over 1 year ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s how's it sky kids I'm Adam Dodson senior
3s animator at that game company we
6s designed games with emotion and our next
8s season goes into the highs and sometimes
10s the lows of forging a community the
13s spirits in this story are finding their
15s way forward as they grow up so what
17s better way to represent the new season
19s than by showing elements from our own
21s Rites of Passage as we ourselves grew up
23s so here's a teaser for some of the
26s upcoming season emotes inspired by our
28s team's youth days
32s growing up could be a challenging time
35s so we always look for ways of feeling
37s better
38s working out was a getaway for many of
41s our devs involved
53s I personally had a kick quite literally
56s playing hacky sack with friends and
59s sometimes even random folks
69s the best part of growing up though is
71s allowing yourself to be silly and to do
74s whatever you feel like doing
78s this season is very personal to many of
81s us at the studio and we can't wait to
84s share it with you see you in the clouds
88s [Music]