So, here we go again.
With the Loki rework coming up i had a small hope that he will be autobanned but nope he is gonna be instantly avaiable in ranked once the patch hit live. However on patchnotes Isiah said that he will be banned from competetive for a couple of weeks so pro players can get used to him...
And yeah... may i ask why is this a thing? Everybody remember how big disaster and stomp Odin and Bastet(she not that much) caused once they instantly got to the rankeds and how many nerfs Odin got.
We don't know yet if Loki will be op as Odin or still bad, but ranked is definitely not a place to test him and getting statistics. The point of autobanning new gods is so the players can learn how they work, how to play against them and to not let them causing destruction if they are OP, imagine if release Tsukuyomi could be played in ranked day one, definitely not a fun thing to fight against.
In ranked you are doing your best to gain points, MMR and division, now we have a random dude that plays against Loki that does different things and he thinks, what the f*ck is happening or we have another random dude that pick Loki because he thinks that he still have old kit, he don't know how to play him and feeds.
As much as developers may think that he is similar, he is not, Loki entire playstyle may be different, his abilities are very much different and do new things, what if his abilities are gonna be bugged that may let him win the game without a problem or even cannot use them, he is basically a ''new'' god that needs to be tested and get used to, back in the Season 1 when Arachne and Odin got their reworks they were autobanned to test them and now nobody knows who and why changed this rule.
What community thinks about this? It is better to first test Loki and eventually give him balance changes in Bonus Balance, or letting him to play day one in ranked and god knows what's going to happen.
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