I wonder, have Hi-Rez devs played a match in solo since season 8 or are they in a pocket dimension where people still buy Void shield and Mystical?
You wanna know something funny, if there's an item (spectral) specifically designed to counter a build (crit) and still no one buys that item because it's better to just kill people faster... Maybe rethink that interaction? 35 physical prots from Void... Is hilarious lol. 1200 gold for a 5 prot increase ASTOUNDING balancing decision.
Glad shield, an item only KA and maybe Cu buys now because it blows, got the nerf. People said "Hey, Berserker's is an outlier because the rest of the items in the tree suck" Hi-Rez took it as, "Make everything in the tree just as sh*t and that means you can choose your pick"
When is the last time you seen anyone buy Frostbound on any AA god? But yeah man, decrease the physical power from 35 to 25, now this item won't be so OP. Sure, Jan. Everybody tripping over themselves to fit Frostbound into your build.
Why did they nerf Ancile when there's already no f*cking reason to buy it over Runic shield, which also has no f*cking use. When ARTIO and CTHULHU are the top SOLOS AND NO ONE IS BUYING THOSE ITEMS. That should put things into perspective. Yeah that -40 magical power aura will do so much to stop the mage with 900 power from hitting your team better make sure no one buys it.
I keep seeing people say Cad Shield is op, and that confuses me immensely. The passive gets countered by Antiheal. You get 30/30 prots and 100 HP, there's better defensive items out there with better passives. It's only good on certain gods in certain team comps. An OP item is an item like Berserker's that everyone and their grandma was building and using to great success, a whole lot of good Cad shield will do on my Osiris?
Are they playing this game like at all lol? I'm happy they make changes and monitor the player feedback, but you gotta monitor like... the right feedback. Listening to a bunch of people complaining about hybrid warriors but they play ADC and therefore never want a warrior to kill them at all, kinda ruins the point of listening to feedback.
Like, why did they change the way Susannoo AA cancels his 1 on console? And why did they change the Hydras interaction on Horus? Who asked for this lol.
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