I reported a player over a week ago now that was telling me to kill myself in game. (Among other troll and toxic things.) I made sure to save their information to monitor the status of the report as I was feeling good about what /u/hirezajax had said in his recent comments about how seriously they take reports like that.
So I reported the player in game, and also took screen shots, submitted a support ticket with the information, the time stamp as well as the match ID number. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I submitted the report, and according to the match history of the player I reported, there was no ban instated. Instead they have been playing quite frequently over the last two weeks still.
So this post is meant as more of a heads up to not get your hopes up regardless of which kind of report you submit, be it in game or an actual support ticket with attached correct information. I don't think it should discourage players from reporting as I do believe it is still important and I am still hopeful that they will get to it, but 2 weeks and still no ban feels a bit excessive / lengthy to me.
I know it would be a massive lift, but I encourage Titan Forge / Hi-Rez to dedicate resources to looking into more support for the reporting system and the team that manages it because one of the biggest things I see on this sub, and I think a barrier for new players is the amount of toxicity and trolling they face in matches.
Email response from support: https://imgur.com/r6hoI4j
Players last match: https://imgur.com/PXqEOa4
External link →