about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Hello SMITE fans!

Multiple major changes have been made recently to servers in all regions, and we want your feedback!

But first, a little context:

There have been a lot of crazy internet issues this year, with so many more people staying home than usual. One issue that has come up often for SMITE is the quality of our servers in our international regions.

We have been constantly collecting feedback through our community managers, and with the help of the fantastic SMITE Olympians. This has helped immensely as we investigated the issues and made changes to the systems.

The Olympians have made it clear to us that players want a more official update on this topic, and we are here to do that today!

  • NA and EU have not been a part of these issues. There was a small NA ping spike issue last week that has been resolved, but largely these regions have been running smoothly.

  • High Ping Issues and Issues where entire game functions become unavailable (can't party up, can't queue, can’t chat) were NOT a part of these issues either. These come from ISP routing or “too high player load” issues.

  • The main issue we have been looking into is what has been commonly referred to as “stuttering.” Players in our international regions report low ping, yet their characters movements and abilities seem to “stutter” or “jitter” which feels like small rubber banding issues.

  • This issue has been really difficult to track down as many servers players were reporting were showing all systems operational in our internal metrics.

  • We have changed these processes and have been better able to identify the issues, and been making changes to remedy them!

Feedback Time!

We have our changes in place, we have seen complaints go down through talking to some of these regions' communities with Olympians, but we want to make sure we get this fully covered.

Can you please reply to this post with any issues if you have been experiencing them recently. As in, the last two days, since October 20th at11am est (around the time the bonus update went live) Reports from before that will not be useful.

People tend to report somewhat old issues, so I want to make this clear, please only comment if you have played in these non NA/EU regions recently and seen the issue persist or have noticed clear improvements.

Please try to include as many of the following information in your post that you feel comfortable sharing

  • Region (OCE, SEA, Japan, Brazil, LATAM N, LATAM S, Russia)

  • Describe the issue (stutter, matches failing to launch, etc)

  • Match IDs and game mode you experienced the issue (or how recent)

  • Day / Time of the match if possible

  • Your In-Game player name

  • Your platform the game was played on (PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch)

  • Stream VODs or youtube links (HIGH priority if you have these please share!)

We will be checking this thread throughout the weekend and into next week so please link people to here if you see any issues. Thanks!


Some Updates - Thanks to all who posted their feedback!

  • We found some issues earlier on friday with matches not launching, that should be solved now

  • We found that stuttering was still active in Japan, we are working on the fix but expect it to take about a week to be fixed, as it involves some pretty big logistical server changes.

Hopefully after these two then we should have solved all match creation and stutter issues in all regions. We will continue discussion when looking at ping and matchmaking per region though.

External link →
about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Techno_Zip

About 50% of OCE joust games get sent back to lobby as soon as you load into the game.

is this still happening right now? how recent?

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Elphienis

Every day for the past 2 years or so

i believe that its happened quite a bit over the past few years, but unfortunately that information doesnt help us much now.

Has this happened to you this week? Yesterday?

If so, please let me know your in-game name, platform, and when/how many times it happened. We can look on our end to see your queues and see if they failed to launch or not. Just a little bit of info can go a long way into preventing this issue in the future! Thanks!

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Elphienis

OCE, Joust, Everyone getting kicked from games.

First off a BIG thank you for finally talking about these issues.

For the past 2 years or so, it's very common in OCE to get a game of Joust, but once God selection is done, you load in much faster than normal, almost skipping the card art screen, and everyone appears to load into the game one at a time. When this happens, once the game timer reaches ~15 seconds on the countdown, it stutters for a fraction of a second, and disconnects everyone.

Match IDs aren't created, any boosters used aren't refunded, and it doesn't automatically requeue you like when someone doesn't pick a God or something.

I have multiple recordings of this issue I can add in an edit later.

Edit: some people think it happens more often when you're in a party. The times where this happens 5+ times in a row, I have been in parties, often 3 mans. Although I definently have had these issues when solo queueing.

Edit 2 These are old games but the exact same thing still happens. I'll stream and see if I can get it to happen again, and add the VOD. Hope this helps

Edit 3: I've been told it used to happen on OCE Ranked Joust as well, but not anymore.

Old games won't do much now as we have too many changes in place.

If you stream tonight and experience any issues the VOD would be a huge help! Thanks! Keep me posted, ill be checking this thread all weekend

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Elphienis

I am playing right now and have had it happen twice in a row, ign is GuppyGibson, recording with the current time and date in the corner

ok, thank you.

any sign of the stuttering issue when you do get into a game? maybe we swapped an old issue with a new one?

just link me the vod/stream etc whenever you can and we will look into it.

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by SmiteJapanCommunity

~ Japan Servers Issue: Current ~ 【24th October】

I would first like to take the time to thank TheBIackEye for being very supportive and helping us for so long. All provides videos are from Japan server, game name domesu, played on PC . Twitch name is domesu3. There is a lot of information here and sorry if it gets confusing. I wanted to put all information in one place because we have had issues since 1st August and there have been a lot of messages back and forth. Note: Dates and times are 日本標準時 Japan Standard Time.

~ The Current Issue ~


The current bug we have experienced before, and I will call the Matchmaking Bug. This bug re-started exactly after after the bonus update on the 20th October. In summary, games don't start. We last confirmed on the 22nd October ~20:00. There are no match IDs because there is no match and they are not included in player histories.

Summary: Solo queue, party queue, all game modes, all players: ① Queue 'pops' ② Accept match ③ Go to god selection screen for 0 ~ 2 seconds and cannot choose a god. On assault, gods are shown whilst on selection screen. ④ Returned to Smite main screen, and back in queue OR ④ Go to god selection screen but cannot choose god. Timer goes to 0 and nothing happens. Everyone must restart the game.

Custom matches, all game modes, all players: ① Set up match ② Sort teams and press 'start match' button ③ All players sent back to the custom matches list screen (the screen where you look to join matches)


~ History ~ * Until 30th July 2020 No Bugs The last time the Japanese servers were known to be usable. The Japan servers had never had any known problems before this date (and possibly 31st July, but I have no video).

  • 1st August 2020 ~ 13th / 16th August 2020 Matchmaking Bug Same as the current bug.

  • 13th / 16th August 2020 ~ 1st / 2nd September Infinite Loading Screen Bug 27th Here is a video from 29th August. The Matchmaking Bug was fixed and this bug started. Summary: ① Get into match as normal, pick gods with no problem ② Move to match loading screen with god cards ③ Get stuck there for about a minute with nobody loading (and nobody has the 'loaded in' lit-up symbol on their loading frame) ④ Sent back to the god selection screen with no timer and no ability to do anything ⑤ Restart game to be returned to the match loading screen with a strange number of players showing. This would continue for anywhere between 5 minutes and and hour. No games would start, including co-op with AI and custom matches.

  • 1st / 2nd September ~ Now Unusable Server Stutter Also not fixed Here is the heavy lag from 8th September. The Japan server has experienced very heavy 'stutter' or 'jitter' since 1st September and it was last detected on 19th October. Since then, no game has started for us, so we are not sure if it is still present. Ping has never been a problem. The stutter was entirely dependent on the number of players in the game. In a game with 6 players (normal Joust), the stutter was undetectable. In a game with 8 players (normal Siege), the stutter was detectable but not too heavy. In a game with 10 players (normal Clash, Arena, Conquest) the stutter was so bad that the game was unplayable and really unenjoyable. The stutter was not limited by game mode as a custom 5 vs 5 Joust would stutter, and a 5人 vs bots on Conquest would not. On the 19th October (match ID 1094417737), the stutter was slightly better but still very heavy and the user-experience was not enjoyable.

Completely unrelated, but the spectate function on the Japan servers has never worked (≧ω≦)

thank you for the detailed reply!

we made more changes to the Japan servers last night (approx 12 hrs ago from this comment)

let me know if things are any better today/tomorrow please. Thanks

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by SmiteJapanCommunity

Thank you for your update. We have just tested the Japan servers and we have found that the Matchmaking Bug has been fixed! Thank you!! However, the 'stutter' is still heavy. (Though it is a tiny bit better than it was at first.)I will update this comment with video tomorrow.


▼▲▼(Most visible stutter) 1096335668

domesu Ganesha Japan Server Arena PC


▼▲▼ 1096333085

domesu Sol Japan Server Arena PC

ok thanks for the update, we will look into it!

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by SmiteJapanCommunity

Thank you for your update. We have just tested the Japan servers and we have found that the Matchmaking Bug has been fixed! Thank you!! However, the 'stutter' is still heavy. (Though it is a tiny bit better than it was at first.)I will update this comment with video tomorrow.


▼▲▼(Most visible stutter) 1096335668

domesu Ganesha Japan Server Arena PC


▼▲▼ 1096333085

domesu Sol Japan Server Arena PC

We found the issue, but its going to take us about a week to fix. We will keep in touch as we move forward

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by SmiteJapanCommunity


Hello there, I don't suppose that you have update for us?

Yes we do! as of today we expect the match starting issues AND the stuttering issues to be fixed in Japan. Please let us know how things are going!

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by CalvoUTN

  • Region: Brazil
  • Describe the issue: a LOT of stuttering. It's been happening since last week I think. The match I'm reporting now is the last match I played as Osiris, and I couldn't land autos to camps, exp and gold when killing minions was showed with 5 sec delay. It was not fun at all and it's been happening once or twice per day. I'll try to stream my next matches so I can add a clip.
  • Match IDs and game mode you experienced the issue: 1099220293 Normal: Conquest.
  • Day / Time: this has been happening around 8pm to 12pm GMT-3
  • Your In-Game player name: MuadDDib
  • Your platform the game was played on (PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch): PC

I'll add a clip next match this happens, but last night happened too and me and my friends stopped playing because it was unbearable. I think this is what's called rubber banding.

I hope this comment gets to you

thank you for the report. i have sent this information to our leads of server operations.

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by CalvoUTN

  • Region: Brazil
  • Describe the issue: a LOT of stuttering. It's been happening since last week I think. The match I'm reporting now is the last match I played as Osiris, and I couldn't land autos to camps, exp and gold when killing minions was showed with 5 sec delay. It was not fun at all and it's been happening once or twice per day. I'll try to stream my next matches so I can add a clip.
  • Match IDs and game mode you experienced the issue: 1099220293 Normal: Conquest.
  • Day / Time: this has been happening around 8pm to 12pm GMT-3
  • Your In-Game player name: MuadDDib
  • Your platform the game was played on (PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch): PC

I'll add a clip next match this happens, but last night happened too and me and my friends stopped playing because it was unbearable. I think this is what's called rubber banding.

I hope this comment gets to you

did you end up getting a VOD? can you confirm what your ping was while playing as well?