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Add some character to your VGS with a few new Voice Packs while they're half off - but you need to hurry! Today's your last chance! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eh4lKgQXYAAJUen.jpg
SWC TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW!!! ⚡ You do NOT want to miss this year's #WorldsWithFans. Pick yours up now to get special early bird pricing. GO GO GO GO! 🎟️ https://t.co/olw8JuZTzD https://t.co/OTVXtQDL6B
Due to overwhelming demand, all our Ultimate Ticket Packs have SOLD OUT. 🤯 Regular tickets are going fast too! Make sure you pick yours up to secure your spot at #WorldsWithFans! https://t.co/VzTC2Su899
Starting the 9.9 Patch Developer Q&A VERY SOON! Come on through to https://t.co/yzpeYwcRVA to ask about anything Smite - newest patch or otherwise! @TitanClumzy will be joining as well, get hyped! :D