RT @SPLDragons: Convinced @SmitePro to save the best roster reveal for last.
π @mPandaCat
π @PBMsmite
π @Hurriwind
π @sam4soccer2
π @fineoβ¦
If you haven't gotten a win in February yet, today's your last chance at unlocking the Equality Avatar for free to celebrate Black History Month!
Just get a win, and earn your free Avatar! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvVCE7CXUAI8U8Z.jpg
Gods & Goddesses!
We have temporarily disabled Cloak of the Avatar while we investigate an issue with its knockback effect and healing.
Keep up with the status of this fix on our Trello board: https://trello.com/b/d4fJtBlo/smite-community-issues
Divine Deities!
The SMITE Standalone Launcher will no longer be updated starting with SMITE Update 9.4 later this year. If you are still using the Standalone client, make sure you download the game through a different gaming service!
More info to come with Update 9.4!
Hi Divine Deities!
Tomorrow morning (2/28) around 7:00am ET, our team will be bringing servers down for a brief time to release our latest hotfix.
We expect downtime to be less than an hour, and you can stay up to date with @HirezOps! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqBDsAkWwAAz6Xx.jpg
Good morning and welcome to Tuesday! βοΈ
If you missed our hotfix earlier this morning - we had a small set of fixes for Martichoras on PC and Lancelot's ultimate.
Check out hotfix notes on Trello for the details!
ποΈ https://fal.cn/3wbLAhttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqEBch1WwAIVYRr.jpg
For over a decade, the Lore Lady has been the voice of SMITE's greatest reveals and so much more.
Today? We're happy to formally introduce you to Suehyla El-Attar Young - the voice of the Lore Lady! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqEY_scXwAkG1kN.jpg