It’s actually crazy the higher ups let them go through with this knowing full well they would not be able to sustain this.
External link →It’s actually crazy the higher ups let them go through with this knowing full well they would not be able to sustain this.
External link →Last thing that rubbed me the wrong way was doubling the legacy skin prices from 800 to 1600 and putting them in 800 legacy gem chests. Apparently their excuse is that the skins were on discount until a chest system was added. That's funny, weren't we supposed to keep our purchasing power with legacy gems?
By that logic their "keep your purchasing power with legacy gems" promise falls short and that's the only reason I bought the founder pack. I'm expected to pay 1600 legacy gems for a skin that costed 400 gems in Smite 1. Even if I paid $30 for the founder pack (which I did) then I still lost half of my purchasing power because I only got 800 legacy gems from purchasing the 400 gem skin, and they are charging me 1600 legacy gems for it in Smite 2.
I would only keep 25% of my purchasing power and get charged 4x for the same skin if I didn't pay a whooping $30 for the founders pack to double my legacy gems first. That's on me for expecting Hİ-Rez to actually keep a promise but I'm not giving them another penny. It's not even that I can't afford it. I could probably just roll the chest for 800 legacy gems for each upcoming legacy skin but it's just such a scummy thing to do that it left a very sour taste in my mouth.
I was still playing it once every few days to scratch my Smite itch despite having a negative opinion of Smite 2 overall. At this point I don't really feel that urge and I'll probably check back in a few years to see if things are better. I want it to succeed despite my disappointment because I played the game for a whole decade and loved it but I think it's time to move on. These discussions don't feel worth having anymore because 95% of the people who are still active in the community are copium huffers.
Not to be that guy but what they are saying is genuinely true. When the original pricing came out this issue was raised and it was clearly stated they will keep the prices as they are, BUT until there's discounted ways to get them (e.g chests), the skins themselves would be on a discount.
Not commenting on whether or not the pricing is fair, but it doesn't help if we pretend as if they were somehow lying to us for the past 4 months or so when they were explicitly clear about what the pricing will be and there was no issues within the community about it.
This is such a frustrating predicament because it's genuinely not something we can blame the devs for, and it's certainly not something we can expect of them to upkeep with their current numbers, but it's just impossible not to be disappointed at the new pace.
Taking 3 years to bring all old gods back is insane and will have a HUGE impact on the playerbase long term. I'm sure people don't mind waiting for their gods to come for a few months, but an average Joe just won't stick with the game if their favorite part of it is gone for years.
Genuinely screw Stew and any of the other higher ups who mismanaged the situation to this point. All they had to do was not waste an insane amount of money on stupid sh*t that didn't bring them any returns and instead keep your developers around so that your game can actually feel like Smite by the end of 2025.
I'll take your word for it regarding the price increase but there is no need to pretend or be deceptive on my part. With or without chests I'm literally stating a fact regarding purchasing power and I don't know how many more times I can explain this to people in this sub.
Example: Joki costs 400 gems in Smite 1.
a) In Smite 2 I get 400 legacy gems. Joki costs 1600 gems in Smite 2. It's 4x more expensive. I lost 75% of my purchasing power.
b) I bought the founder pack for $30. In Smite 2 I get 800 legacy gems. Joki costs 1600 gems in Smite 2. It's 2x more expensive. I lost 50% of my purchasing power.
Getting the same amount of gems doesn't mean you kept your purchasing power if things also cost more in that currency. We can discuss whether all legacy skins should cost the same or not but at this point I can't have this conversation again. I'll simply check back when the game is out of beta or whatever the next big milestone is.
Like I said, I'm not speaking about pricing, I'm just correcting what is obvious misinformation. I don't wanna get into pricing cause all sides of the argument have valid points and it's been beaten to death in this sub already.