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For the past year or so I’ve really enjoyed Ajax’s developer updates on Gods and giving his own statistical and player perceived information as how they are doing while at the same time using that data to conclude if they are in need of changes. We’ve seen it with Odin, Bastet, Loki, and Freya’s revert. With that in mind, I’d sincerely love seeing one for Artemis because of how much she’s been struggling for the past couple seasons; as well as not seeming to do any better even with the buffs and bug fixes to her ult. I really enjoy this God’s concept/design, so I want want her to feel better to play and have a larger impact in conquest games. Is this something worth discussing? Thank you.

Also to keep the topic going, I’d also love to see who you guys personally think would be in need of one of these developer updates as well? Also thank you AJ for caring about the community and putting your sincere time and effort to write these articles on Gods that we care about as well.

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about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Personally I do not think Artemis needs a rework. Maybe some more buffs, but nothing major.



feel free to check out her stats. The goddess is quite popular and performs quite well.

specifically notice:

  • top 33 most popular in normal conquest, high lvl players

  • high winrate in platinum, diamond, and above in ranked conquest - although lower pick rate

Artemis kinda falls into the same spot as Arachne, Hades, etc - quite popular, quite powerful in most places, but generally disregarded at pro play.

Reworking gods usually requires much worse metrics than Artemis currently has.

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by SuckYoMa

The man, the myth, the legend himself has responded.

Thank you so much for the input. I’ll check it out. Much appreciated.

Youre welcome :)

And I know people here might not care but go ahead and check out her non-conquest stats too. its an easy click away from the first link i shared. they are BONKERS. Artemis is one of the strongest gods in the game in non-conq.

Generally arena performance doesnt impact rework discussion - but it is an important metric to prove that "many players do play artemis, enjoy playing her, and do well with her"

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by CastleImpenetrable

I mean it wouldn’t be the first time where raw stats have said one thing but the community doesn’t feel it. You consistently brought up how pre-rework Nike was a top performing god that saw very little play. I think the same argument of perception is very valid here as well. Artemis’ kit feels very outdated, it’s hard to justify her great late game when she’s very immobile and cannot clear well. Simply put it feels like her kit can’t keep up with current day Smite. It’s not an issue with Rama and Cupid who are great right now, or other older gods in other classes. Heck I’d also take the popularity bit with a grain of salt since she’s really cheap in comparison to other gods or got added to the free god pool iirc.

That said I understand why you feel like she doesn’t need a rework. You bring up very valid points and like the stats show, she’s still getting played despite her flaws. I do think both sides of the argument have their merits though.

On a final note, I do love what y’all have done this year and I can’t wait for Season 8. I hope you and the whole team keep up the great work. Also enjoyed last night’s stream!

Nikes play count was insanely low in every single level of play and every single mode

Artemis is one of the most popular / top played gods in every single level of play and every single mode EXCEPT Ranked Conquest

This is the primary metric in my opinion that signals to me she does not need a rework.

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by HiRezAjax

Nikes play count was insanely low in every single level of play and every single mode

Artemis is one of the most popular / top played gods in every single level of play and every single mode EXCEPT Ranked Conquest

This is the primary metric in my opinion that signals to me she does not need a rework.

and yes being a free god does give a boost of popularity but we are generally looking at level 30+ players only in these situations, in which the free-ness of a god is less important (but still does present some statistical impact for sure)