The Summer Solstice brings longer days, and we bring awesome deals!Summer is a time of fun and sunlight. The
Summer Solstice brings the longest days, and the
Summer Solstice Sale aims to fill those days with exciting new things! Grab your sun-screen, swim trunks, and sun glasses because this party is Sols-tastic!
This Summer Bash is live until
June 24th, so dive in!
June 18 - 21: Earn a Juneteenth Avatar for achieving a First Win of the Day.
June 18 - 21: Earn a Father's Day Avatar for achieving a two First Wins of the Day.
June 15: Update 8.6[] goes LIVE!
June 23: The 8.7 Mid-Season Update Show on Twitch!
In-Game Sales
June 15 - 21: Fire Chest - 50% off
June 18 - 21: 1000 Fathoms Chest - 25% off
June 18 - 21: Birds of Prey Chest - 25% off
June 22 - 24: Fiery Chest - 25% off
June 22 - 24: Funpocalypse Chest - 25% off
June 15 - 24: Cosmetic Chest Sales
This flaming hot event will be released alongside our
8.6 The Dark Enchantress Update[] on June 15, so make sure you log-in every day from June 15 - June 24 to enjoy all of the amazing content!
The Sun is shining, no clouds in the sky, and the fun is just beginning!
We'll see you on the Battleground!