over 4 years
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The Grim Omens event won't be here forever!
Make sure to unlock what you want from the event soon so you don't miss out! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ecu_k_QXYAgl8q5.jpg
Since the Mid-Season Update is coming to you tomorrow, we're bringing you a Mid-Season Update ROLE QUEUE! ⚡ Watch some of your favorite pros discuss the incoming balance changes and what life will be like without boots! Catch the full video on YouTube: https://t.co/S6RMTqTxlv https://t.co/ClwkU7FDxb
#WorldsWithFans was so amazing we just had to run it back! Ticket sales for the SMITE World Championship are LIVE! Grab yours today! ⚡https://t.co/WAri5ZUjVy https://t.co/XYBNl2tHwr
Tickets are going FAST!!!!! Only 25% of tickets remain for the event! If you're looking to join us in January get your tickets ASAP! https://t.co/H7KHXgv6QW