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With his turrets not able to proc item effects it kinda makes Vulcan really basic and one dimensional, you basically just stack items with high intelligence and penetration. That’s about it.

I wish the turrets could play into builds just a LITTLE more, like, they should be able to build soul gem or at least doom orb stacks on minion kills.

It’s so strange to me how they have this cool mod concept where you can focus on a turret build or an ability spam build but then turrets have no synergy at all. Feels like the devs didn’t fully commit to the idea. I totally understand turrets would be absolutely op if they triggered all item effects like smite 1 but I mean no doom orb synergy? Really?

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11 days ago - /u/HiRezIsiah - Direct link

we released a hotfix this morning that fixed an issue with Vulcan's Turret/Thumper not working with various Items!

Patch Notes here