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8.4: King of Uruk Update Show:
- The 8.4: King of Uruk Update Show will happen on Wednesday at 3pm ET on!
- Get the grand reveal of our newest God: Gilgamesh!
- We’ll go over all the new balance changes, cosmetics, and community news, so join us!
- We will also have our Pre-Show starting at 2pm ET, so make sure to tune in to that, too.
- If you have any questions after the show, bring them to the Q&A on Thursday on our Instagram story[].
- Kick off April with the April Fools Avatar by getting 1 FWOTD on Thursday!
- Celebrate Easter with the Easter Avatar all weekend, from Friday through Monday, for getting 1 FWOTD!
- Play one game to get the new Fan Forge: Team Fight Avatar - the Avatar that was designed by our For Fans Contest winner: Hexeliine!
- There are still some remaining sales from our Birthday event last week.
- Check out the store for deals on all Season Chests through Wednesday.
- The Calavera Chest is on sale now for 25% off, through Thursday.
- There are still Voice Packs, Avatars, Boosters, and IGN changes for half off, too, through Wednesday.
- There’s new Prime Gaming[] loot available!
- Make sure to claim Infinite Seer Ah Puch for free!
- New merch is now available on our {LINK REMOVED}For Fans x Fans website, and you can save 15% with code TEAMFIGHT
- If you want to see your fan art on the waiting screen before our Update Shows, then submit your art here: