over 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Hello SMITE fans!

Multiple major changes have been made recently to servers in all regions, and we want your feedback!

But first, a little context:

There have been a lot of crazy internet issues this year, with so many more people staying home than usual. One issue that has come up often for SMITE is the quality of our servers in our international regions.

We have been constantly collecting feedback through our community managers, and with the help of the fantastic SMITE Olympians. This has helped immensely as we investigated the issues and made changes to the systems.

The Olympians have made it clear to us that players want a more official update on this topic, and we are here to do that today!

  • NA and EU have not been a part of these issues. There was a small NA ping spike issue last week that has been resolved, but largely these regions have been running smoothly.

  • High Ping Issues and Issues where entire game functions become unavailable (can't party up, can't queue, can’t chat) were NOT a part of these issues either. These come from ISP routing or “too high player load” issues.

  • The main issue we have been looking into is what has been commonly referred to as “stuttering.” Players in our international regions report low ping, yet their characters movements and abilities seem to “stutter” or “jitter” which feels like small rubber banding issues.

  • This issue has been really difficult to track down as many servers players were reporting were showing all systems operational in our internal metrics.

  • We have changed these processes and have been better able to identify the issues, and been making changes to remedy them!

Feedback Time!

We have our changes in place, we have seen complaints go down through talking to some of these regions' communities with Olympians, but we want to make sure we get this fully covered.

Can you please reply to this post with any issues if you have been experiencing them recently. As in, the last two days, since October 20th at11am est (around the time the bonus update went live) Reports from before that will not be useful.

People tend to report somewhat old issues, so I want to make this clear, please only comment if you have played in these non NA/EU regions recently and seen the issue persist or have noticed clear improvements.

Please try to include as many of the following information in your post that you feel comfortable sharing

  • Region (OCE, SEA, Japan, Brazil, LATAM N, LATAM S, Russia)

  • Describe the issue (stutter, matches failing to launch, etc)

  • Match IDs and game mode you experienced the issue (or how recent)

  • Day / Time of the match if possible

  • Your In-Game player name

  • Your platform the game was played on (PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch)

  • Stream VODs or youtube links (HIGH priority if you have these please share!)

We will be checking this thread throughout the weekend and into next week so please link people to here if you see any issues. Thanks!


Some Updates - Thanks to all who posted their feedback!

  • We found some issues earlier on friday with matches not launching, that should be solved now

  • We found that stuttering was still active in Japan, we are working on the fix but expect it to take about a week to be fixed, as it involves some pretty big logistical server changes.

Hopefully after these two then we should have solved all match creation and stutter issues in all regions. We will continue discussion when looking at ping and matchmaking per region though.

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