over 4 years
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Sit down and take notes!
Miss Senshi Bellona is here from the Grim Omens event to teach you a lesson!
Add her to your roster now! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbmrnkBXYAIkTQL.jpg
YOUR $100,000 @SMITEGame TOURNAMENT WINNERS ARE... 🏆 TEAM TECTONE 🏆 @Tectone @Strippin @Mrlawlman1 @SukiSekine @Buffpup_ & @_nikap THANK YOU FOR TUNING IN!! #OTKSMITE 👑🤍 https://t.co/NeIpSC6VO9
Divine Deities! Magi’s Cloak and Spirit Robe have been temporarily disabled while the team investigates an issue with the items. We'll be sure to update as soon as we have more information on a fix.