about 6 years
ago -
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We’re celebrating SMITE’s new Arena with a FREE Publisher's Weekend Bundle! This bundle is filled with Gods and skins, along with voice packs for each God in the bundle! The Gods included in this bundle are:
- Pele
- Anubis
- Nu Wa
- Khepri
- Odin
- Cu Chulainn
- Medusa
We’ve also put together the following skins to help you dominate the Battleground in style:
- Righteous Hammer Thor
- Imperator Khepri
- Typhoon Kukulkan
- Battle Maiden Bellona
- Hound of Ulster Cu Chulainn
- Amethyst Nu Wa
- Raven's Throne Odin
- Worldweaver Neith
All of the items in this bundle are available for a limited time. All you need to do is log in to unlock this bundle for free, so make sure you don’t miss out.
See you on the Battleground