over 6 years
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New God - Pele, Goddess of Volcanoes
Passive - Everlasting Flame
When Pele drops below 50% health her flame is set alight, and she gains increased Physical Power, Lifesteal and Ability Lifesteal. This passive has a 20s cooldown.
Power: 5+2 per level
Lifesteal: 40%
Ability Lifesteal: 20%
Cooldown: 20s
Duration: 6s
Pele flourishes and fires out a magma orb ahead of her in a line. Once the fiery projectile reaches maximum distance it hovers for a brief instant, solidifies, and then returns back in pieces, dealing damage to enemies on the way back. The number of shards returning is dependent on the rank of this ability.
Pele has 2 charges of this ability.
Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+60% of your physical power)
Return Damage: 20 (+15% of your physical power)
Range: 60
Cooldown: 14s
Mana Cost: 40/45/50/55/60
Pele fiercely erupts energy into the ground, exploding in an area around her, causing damage and Knockup to all enemies. At ranks 3 and 5 the area expands again at a delay, dealing less damage and a smaller Knockup.
Three Exploding circles
Inner Damage: 85/130/175/220/265 (+80% of your physical power)
Outer Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+60% of your physical power)
Knockup: 280/240/200
Radius: 15/25/35
Cooldown: 15s
Mana Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Magma Rush
Pele starts to churn the land around her, dealing damage to nearby enemies and giving her constant movement speed while this ability is active. Toggle this ability again to enter an amplified state, expending more fuel but dealing more damage and providing additional movement speed. This ability has no cooldown but uses a fuel gauge and cannot be activated when below 10 fuel.
Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+10% of your physical power) every 0.5s
Amplified Damage: 20/35/50/65/80 (+20% of your physical power) every 0.5s
Movement speed: 20%
Amplified speed: 60%
Initial Fuel Cost: 5
Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 0s
Volcanic Lightning
After a short warm up, Pele dashes forward dealing massive damage and a slow to the first enemy God hit, and dealing additional damage to enemies behind in a cone. For the next 10 seconds or 3 attacks, every time Pele hits an enemy with a basic attack, additional damage is dealt behind the enemy as well.
Damage: 200/280/360/440/520 (+60% of your physical power)
Extra Damage: 100/140/180/220/260 (+40% of your physical power)
Range: 60
Slow: 20/25/30/35/40%
Slow Duration: 3s
Cooldown: 90s
Mana Cost: 100
New God Skins
Caldera Pele
Primal Storm Susano
Molten He Bo
Mystic Guardian Athena
Mastery Skins | Pele
Click HERE[www.smitegame.com] to read the full Update Notes for 5.14 - Goddess of Volcanoes!