over 4 years
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Gods and Goddesses! We love to see all of the incredible fan art tons of our community members create (especially with all of this extra free time this year), and we wanted to give you another chance at getting your art into the game! As we gear up for our Birthday in March of 2021, we wanted to open up submissions for you to enter your own fan art in hopes of your art pieces being turned into Avatars, Jump Stamps, and Global Emotes for everyone to earn for free during our Birthday celebration!
Starting now, you can submit your fan art for our Titan Forge team to review and select to be a part of our SMITE Birthday event in the spring! Submissions close on January 4, 2021, so make sure to get your art in before the submission form closes! There are no themes this year, so bring out the big guns and show us what you’ve got! We simply can’t wait to see what you come up with!
The chosen submissions will receive 10 codes for their in-game Avatar/Jump Stamp/Global Emote along with the Artist Bundle, which includes the Artist Title, Avatar, and Jump Stamp!
Get all the details on how to submit your fan art and become familiar with all the rules on the blog[smitegame.com].
Best of luck to all our community artists!
Starting now, you can submit your fan art for our Titan Forge team to review and select to be a part of our SMITE Birthday event in the spring! Submissions close on January 4, 2021, so make sure to get your art in before the submission form closes! There are no themes this year, so bring out the big guns and show us what you’ve got! We simply can’t wait to see what you come up with!
The chosen submissions will receive 10 codes for their in-game Avatar/Jump Stamp/Global Emote along with the Artist Bundle, which includes the Artist Title, Avatar, and Jump Stamp!
Get all the details on how to submit your fan art and become familiar with all the rules on the blog[smitegame.com].
Best of luck to all our community artists!