Hey everyone, a bit late to the thread but I figured it is worth explaining a few things as it does seem like there is a lot of misunderstanding.
Jorms basic attacks don't trigger item effects. Not demonic grip, not telkhines. This is because of the rapid nature of his autos fundamentally breaking these types of effects. Fafnirs dragon breath is the same. I see a lot of people talking about how Fafnirs breath has rules allowing him to use items like this but again he does not. His stim allows him to do some clever things with proccing item effects, but his breath itself does not. I believe this is how their breaths have worked since their release.
This isn't a blanket change to how his basic works, but fixing Deaths Toll and Manikin Scepter to behave like every other item does for Jorm already. The alternative (letting Jorm have these effects) would be to let Jorm have Telkhines and Animosity (4% maximum health damage) as well.