Even if it's just one.
I say this because I've seen people frequently get roles they aren't suited for and try to trade away and no one really ever trades with them. I'm included in this.
For example, if I get carry, I know I'm gonna struggle, and if no one trades, it's a matter of when not if, you see the phrase "carry diff" in the game, because no matter how much I practice, I can't play the role.
Then on the exchange, I know people who cannot play jungle but they keep getting it, and oddly enough people aren't wanting to trade for it.
So even if it's just one slot, you put a role in your non-preferred role, and it will try to not give you that role. That's it, if there are people who list fill they will get the role you don't want instead of you. Now obviously if multiple people have the same non-preferred role the game will have to give it to someone.
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