Another Monday, another SMITE Birthday!
Apollo has been on the Battleground for 9-years today, and his performance has never been dull!
Let's all wish our God of Music a Happy SMITE Birthday!
@raddaggast_06 @SMITEGameLA Hi there!
We've gone ahead & reported this issue over to the team.
As always, we'll keep everyone posted regarding updates & hotfixes!
@_mileyswrecking @your_boy_dreww Hello!
Really appreciate you sending some footage of this for us to pass along directly to the team.
We're reported it over & will keep everyone posted!
You're right on time, the Season of Hope has officially arrived!
Be sure to hop into SMITE and check out everything released in our latest update!
The Community Celebration Event kicks off today!
Remember to log & play 1 match each day to claim your rewards for the next two weeks.
Plus, if you claim 6 days? You'll unlock the Witch Seeker Amaterasu Skin for free!
@ChibiVashSama Hey there!
This is a known issue we have passed along to the team throughout today as we've seen reports from players.
Once we have an update, we'll be sure to share it with the community!
@Jcbamse @ChibiVashSama This is another issue the team is actively tracking.
We're working on getting fixes lined up & will share more information once we have it.