about 2 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Timed vs Non-Timed Queues

There has been a lot of discussion on the change for Normal Modes to go back to Timed Queues. We want to discuss this change a little more so players can understand the reasoning and systems behind it. All Normal Modes are still planned to change to Non-Timed Queues for 10.1, but we do have a QoL improvement to go along with that (see in bold at the bottom)

First of all, why make this change? There are a few key benefits to Non-Timed Queues:

  • Game performance and stability. Timed queues create hundreds or more matches at once, which is a huge amount of processing power being used simultaneously on SMITE servers. Non-Timed queues create matches at a rolling pace that spreads out the load and prevents huge spikes that can cause lag or even crashes.

  • Players will find matches more often. This queue type does not show you the “we need more time to find you a match” popup, it instead scales up in time as needed, which is a better experience. The existence of Multi-Queue, which only works with Non-Timed queues, further improves that experience.

  • Matchmaking improvements and flexibility. This one was discussed in the patch notes but we want to restate it here. Timed Queues use especially rigid rules which make it especially hard to add more matchmaking functionality to the game. If we wanted to do something like accounting more for player levels or party size, we need Non-Timed queues. Timed queues are a strict top-down MMR matching when the queue pops. Non-Timed queues can also be used to improve systems like the “Under 30” queues, by allowing them to reach into the pool of players over 30 at lower MMRs or levels.

  • Queue improvements and flexibility. Timed Queues are always the same amount of time by default, but Non-Timed queues are variable, this allows them to scale better in different regions or times of day that have different-sized populations. This also has more variables for us to adjust.

Why keep Ranked Modes as Timed queues?

  • Timed Queues match top-down from MMR so they are often a better experience for the top Ranked players.

  • Ranked players also can appreciate the consistency in queue times more as ranked queues will have longer queue times in all situations.

If we must do Non-Timed queues, why do we have to get deserter if we miss the queue pop?

  • In our Non-Timed system, all of the matchmaking is happening constantly while the queue is counting up. So when the queue pops your 10-player match is already matched and ready to go. Missing that queue pop (there is no option to decline) causes all 9 other players to start the process over again. This is effectively desertion, and wastes a lot of time of other players, so a penalty needs to be applied to prevent abuse of the system and slowing down others from getting into matches.

  • In Timed queues, no actual matchmaking happens until after the queue pops and players accept. This is why it's okay to decline and simply remove yourself from the matchmaking pool, and it doesn't have any effect on other players (except for possibly creating gaps in MMR difference).

How are we improving it for 10.1 live?

  • For 10.1 Live Day 1, we are making a key change to Non-Timed queues - they will now “Auto Accept”.

  • There will be no queue pop to miss, players in the queue will be immediately brought into the Lobby to make their god picks when the matchmaker finds a sufficient match for them.

  • This will effectively give people the entire length of a lobby as additional time to return from brief AFKs taken while waiting for a queue.

  • The deserter penalty will remain high to prevent people from abusing the system and to prevent repeat offenders. If your AFKs tend to take longer than an entire queue + lobby time, please take those breaks before you queue up at all.

Thanks for reading, and we will certainly be continuing to monitor the community feedback and player data related to this change.

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about 2 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Timed vs Non-Timed Queues

There has been a lot of discussion on the change for Normal Modes to go back to Timed Queues. We want to discuss this change a little more so players can understand the reasoning and systems behind it. All Normal Modes are still planned to change to Non-Timed Queues for 10.1, but we do have a QoL improvement to go along with that (see in bold at the bottom)

First of all, why make this change? There are a few key benefits to Non-Timed Queues:

  • Game performance and stability. Timed queues create hundreds or more matches at once, which is a huge amount of processing power being used simultaneously on SMITE servers. Non-Timed queues create matches at a rolling pace that spreads out the load and prevents huge spikes that can cause lag or even crashes.

  • Players will find matches more often. This queue type does not show you the “we need more time to find you a match” popup, it instead scales up in time as needed, which is a better experience. The existence of Multi-Queue, which only works with Non-Timed queues, further improves that experience.

  • Matchmaking improvements and flexibility. This one was discussed in the patch notes but we want to restate it here. Timed Queues use especially rigid rules which make it especially hard to add more matchmaking functionality to the game. If we wanted to do something like accounting more for player levels or party size, we need Non-Timed queues. Timed queues are a strict top-down MMR matching when the queue pops. Non-Timed queues can also be used to improve systems like the “Under 30” queues, by allowing them to reach into the pool of players over 30 at lower MMRs or levels.

  • Queue improvements and flexibility. Timed Queues are always the same amount of time by default, but Non-Timed queues are variable, this allows them to scale better in different regions or times of day that have different-sized populations. This also has more variables for us to adjust.

Why keep Ranked Modes as Timed queues?

  • Timed Queues match top-down from MMR so they are often a better experience for the top Ranked players.

  • Ranked players also can appreciate the consistency in queue times more as ranked queues will have longer queue times in all situations.

If we must do Non-Timed queues, why do we have to get deserter if we miss the queue pop?

  • In our Non-Timed system, all of the matchmaking is happening constantly while the queue is counting up. So when the queue pops your 10-player match is already matched and ready to go. Missing that queue pop (there is no option to decline) causes all 9 other players to start the process over again. This is effectively desertion, and wastes a lot of time of other players, so a penalty needs to be applied to prevent abuse of the system and slowing down others from getting into matches.

  • In Timed queues, no actual matchmaking happens until after the queue pops and players accept. This is why it's okay to decline and simply remove yourself from the matchmaking pool, and it doesn't have any effect on other players (except for possibly creating gaps in MMR difference).

How are we improving it for 10.1 live?

  • For 10.1 Live Day 1, we are making a key change to Non-Timed queues - they will now “Auto Accept”.

  • There will be no queue pop to miss, players in the queue will be immediately brought into the Lobby to make their god picks when the matchmaker finds a sufficient match for them.

  • This will effectively give people the entire length of a lobby as additional time to return from brief AFKs taken while waiting for a queue.

  • The deserter penalty will remain high to prevent people from abusing the system and to prevent repeat offenders. If your AFKs tend to take longer than an entire queue + lobby time, please take those breaks before you queue up at all.

Thanks for reading, and we will certainly be continuing to monitor the community feedback and player data related to this change.

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about 2 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by -zax-

At least make it separate deserter debuff that doesn't add to 4h and all the way up to 24h deserter penalty.

This is not something that is possible for 10.1 - and with the way the tech works, a shorter penalty here could still leave room for abuse that would result in many people having to restart their queue.

But we can look into these types of changes for future updates.

about 2 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by dadnaya

Thanks for the post.

Would we still have a pop up for when the match is ready and we're being moved to the lobby?

I usually alt-tab while in queue, and the "Your match is ready" pop up brings it to my attention.

yes, you will still hear the usual audio cue when your queue pops and moves you into the lobby, as well as the bottom right notification (only shows when alt tabbed)