Drop Kick-Off this Summer right with a whole bunch of fantastic deals!
We are SO ready for Summer, and this Drop Kick event is our way of showing it! Whether you plan to Drop into the store for the amazing sales, Drop the bass with our Monstercat Battle Pass, or Drop into a new God Mastery, we have what you need! *Drops the mic*
Get ready for the next two weeks, its a Summertime Party!
GEM SALE May 17-30: Save up to 33% on Gems!
EVENTS May 17 - 30: Fresh baked Gems for sale!
May 18: Update 8.5 - The Monstercat Update!
May 18-24: FWOTD = Monstercat Avatar - Celebrate the Monstercat Update by earning a free Avatar for getting 1 First Win of the Day all week!
May 17 - 18: 2x Experience Points - Earn 2x Experience Points after each game!
May 19-20: Earn their Favor! - Earn 2x Favor after each game!
May 21 - 23: 2x Worshipers Weekend - Earn 2x Worshipers after each game all weekend!
May 24 - 25: 3x Experience Time! - Earn 3x the XP after each game!
May 26 - 27: 3x Favor For Real! - Earn 3x the Favor after each game!
May 28 - 30: 3x Worshipers Supreme! - Earn 3x the Worshipers after each game (Go Wild)!
IN-GAME SALES May 17 - 30: Summer Hits Chest - 50% off
May 17 - 19: Deadnaut Chest - 25% off
May 17 - 23: Arcane Chest - 50% off
May 18 - 24: Hunter Chest - 50% off
May 19 - 25: Guardian Chest - 50% off
May 20 - 26: Assassin Chest - 50% off
May 21 - 27: Warrior Chest - 50% off
May 24 - 27: Rav3n Chest - 25% off
May 25 - 27: Cybertech Chest - 25% off
May 28 - 30: Dreamweaver Chest | Plushie Friends Chest - 25% off
May 17-30: Voice Pack, Avatars, Boosters, and IGNs - 50% off
This spectacular Drop Kick Event will kick-off one day ahead of the release of our 8.5 Monstercat Update on May 18, so make sure to log-in every day from May 17 - May 30 to take advantage of all of the amazing content!
We plan to Drop Kick, Drop the Bass, and Drop into an amazing Summer!
We’ll see you on the Battleground!