I have NO IDEA why hirez went on a random war path against %penetration, it started with them constantly trying to nerf obsidian shard because "it was picked up too much" before they realized it was the only option, now % penetration has just been randomly thrown around on items as a buff or nerf to the item where in most cases it doesnt feel like it belongs.
For magicals the 20% pen items feel fine BUT....
Soul reaver already being an anti hp item gets %pen... i get why but it doesnt seem fair...
Warlock's staff has 10% pen on it.... WHY? If youre grabbing it youre usually getting it before any sizable amount of prots are built... not to mention you then have to find which item fits for that extra 10%
Pythag's... similar idea... its a sustain and team aura item... why does it have PEN!? I understand the CDR was too much but pen just feels wrong.
Tython's is another that doesnt really feel like that 10% pen belongs. I build it on anubis then want to go charons and obs only to remember that awkward 10% and build myrrdin because i want CDR too.
Staff of myrddin... this isnt good on a majority of characters yet the ones who CAN use it usually want the passive but if i need 10% pen and cdr its the only item and its muddled the item's original intent
For melee physical theres 3 20% pen options but only one 10% (soul eater unless i'm missing something)
And soul eater now has so many stats on it i'm not sure hirez themselves even remember.
Then you have atalantas which as Dukesloth has said "It has a niche of being a hunter snowball item, why is it now the hunter pen item?"
Failnot actually feels like it belongs there....
And with titans bane/obs shard characters can easily make proections irrelevant....
And all this was the RESPONSE to tanks being shredded too easy... (could be mis remembering)
Protections are now worthless because %prn has been tossed onto random items, cupid is meta because his 1 and 4 can have 60% pen, with the right build scylla can take a 220 protection target and only be affected by 58 of those prots and mages can no longer hit the flat pen cap unless your name is thoth.
I would have MUCH preferred if %pen had become its own tree..
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