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I have NO IDEA why hirez went on a random war path against %penetration, it started with them constantly trying to nerf obsidian shard because "it was picked up too much" before they realized it was the only option, now % penetration has just been randomly thrown around on items as a buff or nerf to the item where in most cases it doesnt feel like it belongs.

For magicals the 20% pen items feel fine BUT....

Soul reaver already being an anti hp item gets %pen... i get why but it doesnt seem fair...

Warlock's staff has 10% pen on it.... WHY? If youre grabbing it youre usually getting it before any sizable amount of prots are built... not to mention you then have to find which item fits for that extra 10%

Pythag's... similar idea... its a sustain and team aura item... why does it have PEN!? I understand the CDR was too much but pen just feels wrong.

Tython's is another that doesnt really feel like that 10% pen belongs. I build it on anubis then want to go charons and obs only to remember that awkward 10% and build myrrdin because i want CDR too.

Staff of myrddin... this isnt good on a majority of characters yet the ones who CAN use it usually want the passive but if i need 10% pen and cdr its the only item and its muddled the item's original intent

For melee physical theres 3 20% pen options but only one 10% (soul eater unless i'm missing something)

And soul eater now has so many stats on it i'm not sure hirez themselves even remember.

Then you have atalantas which as Dukesloth has said "It has a niche of being a hunter snowball item, why is it now the hunter pen item?"

Failnot actually feels like it belongs there....

And with titans bane/obs shard characters can easily make proections irrelevant....

And all this was the RESPONSE to tanks being shredded too easy... (could be mis remembering)

Protections are now worthless because %prn has been tossed onto random items, cupid is meta because his 1 and 4 can have 60% pen, with the right build scylla can take a 220 protection target and only be affected by 58 of those prots and mages can no longer hit the flat pen cap unless your name is thoth.

I would have MUCH preferred if %pen had become its own tree..

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over 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

This decision was made to specifically nerf penetration, and it statistically has. What we are currently trying to figure out is how to connect the perception vs reality.

In Reality:

  • A single item used to provide 60% Penetration against tanks - now its capped at 40%, requires more items, and only rarer conditions can go over 40%. It is factually harder to achieve a full penetration build than it was before.

  • Warriors and Guardians are both dying statistically less now than they did Pre-S7 Mid Season (when running stat querys for "average deaths per god by class for 7.6 vs 7.7 conquest")

  • Mages did noticeably less damage after 7.1 than they did before (when running stat querys for "total player damage dealt by god for 6.12 vs 7.1 conquest")

  • Hunters are doing more damage than they did before mid-season, which is why we implemented the recent hunter nerfs to Atalanta's and Silverbranch. However, we have only seen a small increase in the damage output of the class overall - and when looking at the gods individually, almost all hunters went down except for those that we specifically buffed in mid season (22 gods were buffed, 5 of those were hunters and were pretty significant increases)

Now the common player perceptions seem to be:

  • Penetration is now "everywhere" on many different items, so that must mean that everyone has more total pen on their builds. - Unlikely, but in reality they have a more smooth curve of pen that gradually ramps up over time, instead of just one item that covers it all (but was usually built late game)

  • Damn your stats, Ajax, It feels bad to tank! - I cannot deny player feelings, and a lot of our processes here are designed to accept player feelings as facts, even when our data might show otherwise. We are actively looking into this topic here, and willing to make adjustments (see recent hunter item nerfs)

  • The meta is too bursty. - In all my stats im seeing less total deaths and damage than before these changes, but similar notes as the "feels" in the previous point are being considered.

So, was it worth it?

  • Yes, we as a design team are still quite happy with the changes to magical and physical penetration. We decreased flat pen, reducing earlygame snowball, and we created more build diversity by forcing players to consider how their build adds up into total pen, as opposed to picking up one item to catch-all in the late game.

  • Why is pen on this or that random item? We specifically tried to identify each sub-archetype of magical or physical items, and get pen on 1 of each - Ex: Mages have - pure power, health/power, lifesteal, or utility items - so we made sure to get % pen on 1 of each of those archetypes.

  • We knew that player perception would trend toward the opposite of reality in both of these cases, but we felt the benefits were real enough to still go through with it. We also thought pros would especially appreciate it (which it seems they have) - and that players would learn eventually (it seems we arent quite there yet)

  • We are going to continue looking at balance between each role/class to make sure every single role/class FEELS impactful. We arent content to just point at numbers and try to prove players wrong - we want to make positive adjustments that bring the stats and the sentiment closer together.

Its clear that the community is still quite split on this topic, our huge playerbase doesnt all think as one, theres lots of dissention between different regions, roles, modes, and skill levels.

over 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Godman873

Thanks for the insight ajax!

I do find it interesting that tanks are actually surviving more and like hearing the stats but i do question...

Why was atalantas picked to be the hunter pen item and not executioner? Sure giving that item a new makeover wouldnt be bad considering it was meta for so long...

I am a bit suspicious that some of the "i have no tankiness" might be coming from high damage ultimates or max %hp damage thats been mixed with pen (I.E. heartseeker + titans bane). I know ive been able to do silly things like chunk tanks with thana's 1 or go through nearly all of a tanks prots with scylla...

I just think putting the %pen on newer items might have had smoother impact than jamming it on items which already had identities like atalanta or things like warlock that feel odd to have 10% pen on when it should be built early

We wanted to treat %pen like any other stat, probably the closest comparison is CDR.

In order to have a good variety of build choices to meet the 40% cap, you need a significant number of options at 10% and a rare few at 20%. This requires more items to have the stat, more than we were planning to add as new items.

We also chose the items to gain percent pen quite carefully, looking for underwhelming options or ones that needed shifts.

As for executioner, we felt it was necessary to keep its current identity even in the new pen world. Reducing enemy prots is NOT the same thing as pen, because the 2 can stack, and exe can provide more damage to other physical gods on your team, not just yourself. We felt that putting more %pen as a stat on exe would make it even more of a must have catch-all item than it was before, which is pretty insane because it was already a 99% bought item.

So: putting pen on exe would do the exact opposite of our goals: which were to increase build diversity and restrict access to high %pen in single items.

over 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Godman873

Thanks so much for the second response!

That cleared up alot now! Sorry if i sounded impatient in my OP. I was just typing fast on my phone at work. Thanks for taking the time out of your day!

This beta player thanks you!


over 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Tryphaa

Allow me to preface this with me being a 2800mmr adc player, have been playing the game/adc for 7+ years.

Wanted to ask, why not target nerf the power gained from silverbranch overcap instead of the base attack speed of atalantas and silverbranch itself? With those two changes, it kills the viability of the build on non stim hunters, rather than nerfing those who have stims and gain ridiculous power from it (Rama). What do you/hi-rez think the hunter build should be on non stim gods? Right now I feel they are in a substantially worse spot, other than say cupid who has passive AS gain.

Also, how do you feel about how core qins is? Personally, I feel as though it being a near necessity to buy qins third is in itself unhealthy for the game and clear negative if the hunter is behind/significantly behind by the 15 minute mark. If you don't have qins for the first solo rotation, in an even fight your team will lose almost every time do to your lack of relevant dps.

Silverbranch should be for Stim hunters really. When the power was lower, even those hunters werent picking it up. Crit was still considered very strong until recently, and seems like a reasonable option on many other hunters. If we see a scenario where "only hunters who can abuse silverbranch are playable" we will look more into it, but as this time we dont think thats going to be strictly the case.

Qins being core is likelyt because of more health-heavy builds on guardians and warriors. We dont want to nerf it because it was a "victim" of the other meta changes - Qins was considered weak for a long time, and its stats diddnt directly change. Generally, we get a lot of negative feedback from players when we nerf items that were indirectly brought into the meta. We are likely to adjust the bow tree more in the future before we consider making changes to Qins.