Happy Earth Day! πππ
Don't miss your chance to earn the Earth Day Avatar by completing your first win of the day today for #EarthDay! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EzlVuofWEAITXmZ.jpg
It's been a big week on the Battleground!
If you haven't logged in to check out everything new from the #KingOfUruk Update, you're missing out - Gilgamesh is waiting! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ezh17tdX0AAGiHN.jpg
Happy Earth Day Divine Deities!
You can earn the Earth Day Avatar with a FWOTD! Hop on the Battleground, earn that victory, and you can show your love for our Planet in style πππ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ9BkHqXEAAV6Gy.jpg
Divine Deities!
We've released a hotfix this morning to address some issues with the #TheJadeEmperor Update!
β‘Incorrect Conquest Jungle Timer
β‘Freezy Bot Ymir's Wall not spawning
β‘Several small Yu Huang issues
Full details here: https://fal.cn/3o00o
Divine Deities!
We have temporarily disabled Kuzenbo due to a visibility issue on his 1st Ability: NeNe Kappa.
You can follow along on the Community Trello: https://fal.cn/3o0Eg
Today, we're celebrating Earth Day! π
Earn the Earth Day Avatar for your first win of the day, plus pick up the Earth Chest for 40% off through 4/27. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FuUt4qWXwAEjSw-.jpg
We want to give a HUGE shout-out to the legendary @YanickPaquette who helped create the amazing card art for our G.I. JOE Crossover Event! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FuVJQzNWAAEdAlM.jpg