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Just like the title says, today's update didn't go out. None of the balance changes in the patch notes (that you can find here https://www.smitegame.com/news/9-1-bonus-update-notes-live-february-8 ) are in the game. The only thing that was enabled today was the hotdog chest, but only because the files for it were already in the game with 9.1.

That means that no buffs, and no nerfs happened today, everything is still the same.

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about 3 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Malvodion

It's not just the tooltips that are wrong. I tested the balance changes in game (both in jungle practice and in a custom match) and everything still had the same values as before. (Bastet's ult still doing 420 damage, etc.)

Are we sure the update went live?

if you tested in Solo jprac or customs you wont get the balance, because those are local games and the bonus changes were server side only.

Youll only notice these in networked games, this was intentional due to the hotfixes needed in 9.1