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Title. The more horrible matches stack up I find myself being more and more unwilling to hold my tongue and 'endure'. Whenever there's an intentional feeder or even worse, a verbally abusive one or a thrower (out of some incredibly petty and childish reason too), I now tend to talk back or defend myself if I'm their target. While I don't usually use the most offensive language on earth, I find myself using retorts such as "pathetic", "loser", "child" etc, loser being my favourite because it describes them best - they are losers not only because they are spineless petty ragers, they're losers also because their actions eventually lose us the game (if they bother to play at all).

Just yesterday I had a nu wa mid, in ranked, ping me and sit in fountain all game because last match I killed her with Ares or something (?). So the manchild was so mad he wanted to make sure we lose the match out of such an idiotic grudge. Needless to say, I quite enjoyed calling him a pathetic loser over and over.

So, tl;dr - is it bad to 'bite back' or not? And should you? is one "intoxicating" themselves doing so (which is something you should try to avoid in general, a clear head > emotional sloppy plays) ?

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Harrassment is bannable.

Also behave.