⚡Chilling Hersir Ares
⚡Headless Horror Chiron
⚡Lady of the Sea Discordia
⚡Tormented Soul Medusa
Get your fill through the Talons of Tyranny event! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EzhlsdFXIAIvYG1.jpg
As the weekend inches ever closer, there's no better time to kick back and chill.
Grab the Chill Chest for 40% off starting today through 4/27. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FuQbJhPWIAMWK9-.jpg
Our first Race to Diamond winners have been crowned!
👑 Articolvi
👑 TomuraToga
👑 Siffeon
👑 TheMindKillerTTV
👑 Ascendancyyy
Congratulations on your victory and thank you to everyone who participated in our first-ever race with Ix Chel's release! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FuQ4y26X0AAmjdV.jpg