So one thing in the patch notes, Hirez has stated they want to give more skins to gods that haven't gotten any in awhile, and they gave a list.
Cerberus Baron Samedi Kuzenbo Serqet Erlang Shen Kali Vamana Zhong Kui Thoth Chronos Sylvanus
however, a few of these gods already have a lot of skins. Serqet for example already has 7 skins. Arachne has just 5 skins, but did have one in may.
However, we have Another Nu wa skin, and another Ymir skin, and another Neith skin, and another APhro skin, and another Pele skin. Litterally, Pele got a skin 2 or 3 months ago, and shes getting another....
I mean, this is a step in the right direction, but there are a lot of other gods not in this list that should get more skins. Arachne, AMC, Tyr, Osris. SOme may have gotten skins last year, but are still have much less skins then others. Can we get some promise or a word that these less repped gods can get caught up as well?
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