Ive seen a lot of comments on new gods in general, so this response is going to go outside the scope of just OPs comments - but it seems like a fine time to share some more accurate and up to date information
First - OPs topic here
On the concept of "power creep"
New gods are designed to bring new features, new themes, and new experiences to the game. We are not intentionally overpowering new gods, we are not intentionally adding elements specifically for power.
Abilities have multiple components to add to the gods theming, or to put new gameplay twists on abilities.
On balance vs design
Balance does not directly relate to the "number of things" an ability does - its easy to have an ability that does a lot of different things and still be weak or feel weak, so comparing these two concepts directly is a bit of a misdirect in itself. Often new gods winrates go down substantially through some reasonable numbers nerfs, no components need to be removed.
On our goals for new gods
Contrary to a top comment in this thread - we actually have sufficient data to prove that our players prefer more complex gods - with more interations and higher skill caps. We have been mostly designing to that regard for the last 2 years. This has created some interesting perception vs reality problems - like Persephone and Yemoja having some of the lowest winrates in the game while still being regarded as OP. These gods have low winrates because most players cannot play them well.
On things always changing and intentional diversity
Now im sure plenty of people will read my previous statement and point out one specific easy god to invalidate the statement, so lets respond to that now.
We aim for a lot of diversity between gods each year - gameplay, class, pantheon, visual, theme - and difficulty diversity! So not every god is intentionally "expert" to learn - some are just hard or even medium/easy - we intentionally alternate through these aspects.
Things change, goals change, our design process has changed. Things we aimed to do 2+ years ago arent accurate to our goals now.
On gods being launched intentionally OP
This is generally false, and not our goal at all. Generally we would prefer gods to released as feeling "balanced" - meaning their launch few weeks win rate should be in the middle of the pack of gods - so out of 110+ gods thatd be rank 40-60 ish in winrate. This is the ideal launch - this is what we aim for. Its also very hard to do. This is not a SMITE specific challenge - if you follow any similar game you undoubtedly see similar "new champ OP" or "new champ trash" comments.
Gods are designed from their theme and their gameplay. These goals bring about the core components of each ability - balance is constantly considered alongside theme and gameplay and tweaks are made constantly for months of development.
I shared the launch data here:
Two of our gods were underpowered (mulan), one extremely so on launch (baba). One was clearly overpowered (tsuku). And the other 2 were relatively close to our target, although still overpowered (cthulhu and danza).
Now, its not our goal for new gods to be OP - but lets look at what objectively happens to new gods.
New gods that are OP
tend to get a lot of play
we have no data to show that people actually quit the game because of this
tend to keep a reputation of being OP for a long time - keeping their popularity or ban rate high even when win% drops to 50% or well below that
New gods that are weak
tend to drop off in popularity very fast
still bring people back to the game to check them out
tend to keep the reputation of being weak for a long time - even when buffed well above 50% win%
We aim for balanced - and we are generally OK with launches being a little too strong or too weak - there are pros and cons to both. We don't try to engineer either of the above situations - this is just what tends to happen when people passionately discuss video games on the internet.
On balance and response to launches
Every god this year has been adjusted within 2 weeks of launch. That is our first balance release and the soonest we can reasonably make changes. Tsukuyomi was the strongest god in years, and the only one we ever considered a "balance hotfix" for - but he was still adjusted on bonus balance 14 days later.
We take player feedback seriously and make considerable adjustments as early as possible.
One thing that commonly comes up its "PTS Data" - and I want to make it clear that PTS data is extremely unreliable and weak. It generally has very few games, all of them are new god mirrors (for danza patch literally 100% of conquest games were danza mirrors) - and the data we saw there did not match live (and neither have previous gods) - the gods almost always get stronger from PTS to Day 1 live to Day 14 live - and each of them tend to grow at different rates.
Having the first few days of actual live data is so much more helpful - and we quickly balance in response to that.
Danza will be the only god who won't be adjusted this quickly due to launching during the Holidays. His win% has climbed into nerf territory - and we will be nerfing him in 8.1 with the rest of the major changes.
On dev/community
We are always listening to our players - and we try to reply as much as possible. Ive been on vacation and spending a lot of time with the family so its been harder to catch everything thats happening. I still check r/smite often, as well as twitter, watching streams, and playing the game. Even on vacation we do all of this.
Ill need to get back to the family soon so im not sure ill be able to provide more replies on this topic, but I hope this clears up a few common misconceptions and old echo chamber quotes.
Thanks yall!