Yesterday, I couldn't get into PTS and I asked /r/Smite if anyone had a solution to the problem. Not too long after, I received a message from one of the mods that the post broke the rules and that the submission was removed. Fortunately, Hi-Rez got to it before the mods did and fixed my issue.
Regardless, the encounter just rubbed me the wrong way because I actually had a problem and was looking for help. Why is something like that Thoth skin post allowed that adds absolutely nothing to the benefit of Smite players and my post is not? This subReddit needs a revamp, especially with what happened recently with the mod drama.
For the record, I don't mind the Thoth post, but it's ridiculous that mine was removed if that one is to stay. I just want the mods to rethink how they manage /r/Smite and I wanted to generate some discussion on the subject.
This should be a place that anyone can go for help.
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