lol, we can never just keep it simple huh? Im obviously not going to reply to any comments in any way that could be considered a spoiler or hint at upcoming gods. so im replying to myself...
Anyway, in the spirit of this week of heavy communication. Here's a few things on new gods, most of this has been stated before, but just a recap:
There are still LOTS of awesome gods out there, and we can only make so many. Its impossible to get all of the community suggestions. People in this thread already throwing 3+ gods at once. Maybe try to always think about the one god youde be most excited for? Community will always dream up more "top requested" gods faster than we can make them. Thats ok, just we all need to be aware of it.
We always try to do a mixture of community requested gods and "surprise" gods. Expect a similar combination in future gods, as we feel the strategy has been quite successful. We have a huge set of goals to meet with new gods and community requests can't usually hit them all.
To elaborate on the "goals" from the previous point: We always aim for class diversity, visual diversity, pantheon diversity, and gameplay diversity within the cast. We have to plan certain releases at certain times to align with goals elsewhere in the game (maps, big updates), or marketing goals (time of year).
r/smite is not the final predictor for a god's selection or a god's success. Arthur, Merlin, Yoruba Gods, and Cthulhu were some of our biggest successes in modern history. No one here really requested them and some were even actively badmouthed here, yet they brought huge attention to SMITE.
Along the same line, some of the community requested gods have ended up being quite unpopular. Its easy for players to just blame the kit or art execution in those cases, but its a fact that the core character selection has a huge impact. Many of these "community requested" gods are mentioned repeatedly by a small group of people, as opposed to being actually widespread requested in the community.
We love seeing people talk about all the exciting potential gods that SMITE can bring. Keep those discussions going and know that we are paying attention, but also know that this process takes a loooong time. We have a lot of awesome stuff to look forward to!
This type of behavior is super inappropriate.
You were not trolled, as he simply stated his opinion.
Regardless, if you ever feel like someone is harassing you, report them to us, and don't respond.