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Me and my friends has been grinding to get to 30 and play some ranked for a while now, we're ~29 and then saw this:

  • Conquest
    • Level 30 (Unchanged)
    • 20 Owned Gods at Mastery Level 2 (NEW)
    • 30 Normal (PvP) Conquest games played (NEW)

Since we have all just played ~8-10 Characters and not even all of those are mastery 2 it seems like a bit overkill to mastery 2 on 20 gods?
Was ranked conquest a problem with new players coming in and being one-trick-ponys or what was the reason for this 20 owned mastery chars?

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about 3 years ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Originally posted by NoSurrend3r

It takes longer for noobs to get into ranked, therefore they have more experience when they get into ranked you dumb f**k. I can't believe I have to dumb it down this much for this community. You guys just have no ability to think for yourselves.

Final warning, stop resorting to abusive language.

about 3 years ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Originally posted by NoSurrend3r

I'm going to assume you're talking to the guy who commented on how I have "my nose up hirez's ass". and how others like "getting f**ked by corporations and begging for more" and not the guy who is defending himself. Especially after the first time you banned me because your pride got injured when novakiller was very obviously crawling through my comment history and harassing me.

No, I'm talking to you as I don't talk to users the first time they engage in arguments like these, but I certainly do talk to them after their 6th recorded time.

Idk what you mean by pride tho, you both were arguing and both were told to knock it off. So yes, this is the final "stop being aggressive". If someone's being rude to you, report it.