Okay before I get torn to pieces hear me out.
I understand everyone likes good deals. And given the outcry this community had at their original pricing, me included, that way way overbloated, this is a nice change of pace.
HOWEVER, Smite needs to be profitable, as evident from the last few days. And unfortunately, the Wandering Markets just aren't going to bring that value.
Let's break it down:
The wandering market itself costs 1600 Diamonds base price, which is roughly 15 USD/EUR/buckaroos. For this price you get 3 skins plus a recolor, alongside other misc. cosmetics. On it's own, this would be the equivalent of having a 800 gem battle pass in S1.
Additionally, for completing the wandering market, you get 300 Diamonds back. That brings the actual "price" of the premium pass to 1300 Diamonds, or 10 USD flat.
On its own, this is fairly reasonable. However - here's the problem. The pass itself appears to be on discount for the first patch of its release. This discount is 300 diamonds, meaning that the total price of the pass goes to 700 Diamonds, including the rewards. Additionally, if you have legacy gems, you also get the 50% off with them, bringing the total price down to 350 Diamonds for Legacy Gem Holders. That's slightly more than 7 USD for full diamonds purchase, and less than 3 USD for the discounted purchase
Both cases are bad IMO, 700 Diamonds and 350 Diamonds + 350 Legacy Gems is really good value but unsustainable long term - this wandering market is seemingly all we'll be getting for the next few weeks and I just don't see a purchase rate big enough to make up for the weeks it will be until the next thing to purchase is available.
All of this is also not counting the Ascension Pass tokens and Classic Skin Tokens that can be received, further driving the profitability of this down.
IMO - ditch the discount upon release, and maybe reduce the diamond reward from 300 to 200 diamonds.
Okay you can now tear me down to shreds.
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