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Ok that was kind of click-baity.

But when someone ever tells you that ALL tHe SkINs are available in jungle practice.

They are a liar liar pants on fire!

....this post inspired from changing as the morrigan as a ps4 player into an ama that was running the Xbox skin.

....don't tell me to look down on the screen.... I was busy.

I can go watch a video to see the effect but yeah I can't actually test it. So there ya go. Quit telling people that every skin is available when it's not people.

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over 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Angry4Pickles

I'm just being a smartass.

But you actually can't test the Xbox skin on ps4.

I'm sure same goes for the blue kuku for xbox.

But yet the morrigan turns into both even if you are the opposite platform.

I was just talking about the green color aura because it's not an everyday occurance I'm turning into an xbox ama while on a ps4.

Would be nice if they stuck that in jungle practice even if we can't buy it.

It is required by Sony/Microsoft to not allow those skins to be equippable* on the opposing platforms.

Hi-Rez has no say in it.

Youde think this would be obvious but... here we are

over 4 years ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

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over 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Angry4Pickles

I kind of figured that would be the deal. I just saw someone posting go in jungle practice and wanted to be a smartass saying there is are exception with the exclusives.

Sorry for the title btw 😝 I'm sure you've heard worse things about you than a little sarcasm.

Lol np.