Looking for ways to spend your lazy weekend?
Then queue up for your favorite game modes and earn 2x Favor, Worshipers, and XP after each game!
We'll see you on the Battleground! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ee05OcHXsAMbyYs.jpg
In case you missed it, Classic Bacchus is on the way!
You can check him out on the #CeaselessWhirlpool Update show from this last Wednesday to learn more! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8MXRWZWUAUxI3M.jpg
Some days, even the pinnacle of courage needs to take a break. So, Tyr will swing down his sword...to slice some birthday cake! Happy 9th SMITE birthday to The Lawgiver! 🎊 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZke-WtWAAAxIYg.jpg