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First and most glaring problem: "His scaling should be nerfed."

No, this doesn't make him weaker as a whole because defensive builds are more effective on him than they probably should be for an assassin. So for people who think his overall damage should he brought down, hit the base numbers. If the damage is too low after that you can add some scaling.

Second: "he's too mobile/horse should be affected by more CC"

I think stuns are prevalent enough in this game that this isn't true. I think a large issue that people have is just not noticing him. If you see him on wards and can turn at him especially late game, you can blow off his shield in a single ability and for ADCs one or two autos depending on build. Of course he's good at chasing and I think this makes people think he's too mobile but without ult he has a hard time disengaging from a hairy situation. If people think the shield is too good being leveled second(you should be doing this) simply again, knock off some base shield and add a scaling component. Making shield/defensive stacking weaker, and forcing there to be more of a ramp up in that survivability.

And finally something people don't talk about much, whether it's intended or not slows utterly f*ck him right now. Like they literally cripple him on or off horse. Knockback immunity also chops off a lot of his kill potential because it plays around the 2 bonus damage and the weird range game it provides him.

Also not enough people play like he has a leap, go awilix, wait for the jump before shooting off your really obvious stuns. People throw sh*t at him the second they see him so he jumps over it. He can not hurt you while on the horse unless he ults. Wait for an ability cast and hit him while you have the animation advantage.

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over 2 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by OrangeInnards

defensive builds are more effective on him than they probably should be for an assassin.

As an aside, I would not be surprised if that's because Hirez started designing him as a Warrior and changed him to an Assassin pretty late in the process when they realized that Arthur is already a thing. His entire kit feels and plays like a Warrior. Half of his passive is Warrior themed. His base damage hits like a Warrior's.

Walks and sounds and looks like a duck.

Ah yes this reddit comment comes up a lot. Ive been looking for an opportunity to jump in and share some insight on this exact type of justification.

So, to get right to the point, this did not happen on Lancelot and pretty much has never happened in SMITE history ever. We do not "design" gods as another class and then change course.

Gods are often planned out over 12 months in advance and adhering to the class rotation is very important. Its not a very practical option to change classes mid development. This could throw off classes for gods down the timeline who are also being worked on and have their own specific goals.

It also generally isn't how the game design process works. We always start with the specific class, visual themes, and gameplay themes clearly defined before we start any kit ideation. We work through multiple kit pitch rounds using documentation and presentations, then we move to a prototype. The key thing about the god design process that can change is adjusting abilities in that prototyping phase.

Once you start actually feeling and using the ability, things do change, but generally changes are smaller tweaks toward making the ability and kit feel as good as possible. Certainly not changing an entire class.

Now we do sometime change course in the early planning phase. As I mentioned in the blog post we did rough out pitches for two different Lancelots. One was a lighter geared and agile assassin. The other was a heavy armored guardian. Differentiating from Arthur was a key discussion point before we even agreed to spend any time on Lancelot.

We have had only 1 god in my almost 7 years that we changed class mid development, I wonder if people can guess who it was. The reason we changed was specifically because of magical vs physical reasons. It was a warrior but it changed to a guardian with no other kit changes and it was always planned to have solo lane appeal.

Anyway, we don't do this like top comment suggests. This is never the reason why a god might play differently than the class norms or differently from the blog post goals. The reasons gods do play differently is for 2 reasons.

  1. the changes to kit feel during prototyping

  2. player reinterpretation. Mobas are intended to be designed with flexibility in mind and sometimes the players choose to do things we didn't quite intend, but that's part of what makes this genre awesome.


over 2 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by wedontbuildL

Iā€™m guessing Cerberus was that one in 7 years god?

DANG SOMEONE GOT IT ALREADY! yep thats the only god I can recall that changed class during development. As in, after the kit was designed, but before the initial launch. +1 respect point to you!