The game feels artificial. What do I mean by this? In Smite 1, whenever you got a good win streak where you stood out individually, the next 7 or 8 matches were going to be horrible. They would put you against premades while you got feeders and trolls on your team, and suddenly you wouldn’t get your favorite role anymore. Basically, after a 7-win streak, it felt inevitable that what came next was a 7-loss streak. It was like Smite was trying to force balance.
It even felt like the setups you faced were boosted. I started noticing this especially in the last season of Smite 1, and that was the reason I stopped playing at the beginning of the summer. That is, until Smite 2 came out as a free-to-play game—so here I am.
I love the game, I enjoy playing Smite 2 more than Smite 1. I'm discovering new gods and mechanics, but this past week, after a 5-game Conquest win streak where I performed well, got several top damages, and had solid games, I've now lost 7 matches in a row.
Most of those losses happened because my team picked random champs while the enemy team went full tryhard from the very beginning. People feed and troll right from the start. Plus the give me the solo role only two times out of seven. And I have nothing against my teammates, I’d love for them to play better, but I understand that in solo queue, these things happen. I'm not always going to get a good jungler or a good support.
My issue is with Smite itself. It feels so artificial that after a win streak, a loss streak follows, and there’s barely anything you can do about it. I really hope this isn't the case in the long run because this was one of the reasons I started hating Smite in the first place.
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