The brand-new Slimey Blob Chest is available now!
Blobchus Bacchus makes his debut and brings all kinds of treasures from past Belly Flops with him.
Gambit Queen Hera and Dark Lord Chaac have finally arrived!
These can be found through the #OdysseyReckoning event, which leads up to the Unlimited reward: Eclipse Summoner Hel!
Buy All to gain instant access to the final reward today!
Remember, if you log into SMITE now, you can get ALL of the Hispanic Flags for one Gem each!
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in style, with the Hispanic Flag of your choice!
Divine Deities!
Here are some updates on the problems reported yesterday:
⚡Fixed Bumba’s Dagger not providing any power, for now it gives 15 physical and 10 magical instead of the reverse.
⚡Fixed Ranked not giving any bonus time.
(More Below)
We also:
⚡Fixed War flag being purchasable alongside any other starter.
⚡Fixed Evolved Transcendence giving lower power than intended.
Thanks for sharing these with us, and please share any other bugs/issues!