Spellbreak is an amazing, unique, and fun game that everyone loves playing. With the introduction to closed beta 2 the developers of the game have included a new platform, ps4. We, the ps4 community, have each paid for access to the game, and unfortunately, we are being neglected.
We get no option to remove HUD As far as casual gaming goes, there is no need for a no hud option, but for content creators there is a definite need for it. PS4 content creators would enjoy to have no hud to make, montages, edits, intros, ect... the visual effects for this game are astounding and not being able to take advantage of it, as a pc player can, is a heartbreak. The artist and developers and everyone have done such a great job, and a no hud would make for great cinematics, ps4 should have a no hud, as the pc platfrom does.
No resizing of the HUD With patch 2.1 the pc players are given the opportunity to rescale the hud. I wont go further into this as it also falls into the category of no hud options, we, as a ps4 community would love to see some hud options, not only for cinematics but also for gameplay.
Frame drop and hitching This has been a problem for the whole community, but more so for playstaion. There was an issue early in the life cycle of cb2 where a playstation player would blue screen if they were near halcyon, which thankfully as been resolved. However, that issue has been replaced with massive frame drops near halcyon, and sadly the issue does not stop there. Near big fights, Chaos, or even a lot of players, the frames drop an immense amount. We do not have a fps number on playstation so I cannot give an exact number, but from personal experience it is under 30 fps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-UpWDPUmk8 here is a link to a video of a 60 fps to 30 fps comparison. Spellbreak for console has been running not very well, especially when there is a team of 3 stoneshapers running about. Speaking from personal experience, I play the game on 720p because the frame drops are so bad, it has helped a decent amount, but it is still there.
No hotfix for playstation that pc recieved. I understand that sony can sometimes get in the way of patches and whatnot. Something that can be controlled is the communication about the patches and hotfixes that we can receive. With patch 2.1 an issue with frame drops have been reported with the whole spellbreak playerbase. In response a hotfix was issued to the pc platform. Nothing for playstation. We on playstation have had the same frame drops, if not worse, and we get no hotfix, no update on whether or not there will be a hotfix, and no communication on the delay. 4/18/20. This game is wonderful and so much fun, but with the frames being super bad, it is very had to play and understand what is actually going on. A hotfix for frames is a great idea, please give it to playstation as well.
5.Spectating Since launch there has been a spectate bug with playstation. We get a constant black screen of loading... if we get lucky and are able to spectate, we cannot change the person we are watching. If we decide that we want to then we are greeted with an application crash.
6.Cannot invite a friend. With patch 2.1 there became an option to invite players, for pc. For playstation that option is in the game, but does not work. This is not a game breaking bug, but a simple quality of life change. This is also a perfect example of the neglect that ps4 recieves. We too would like to be able to invite our friends, in the way that pc does.
- No communication We as a playstation community don't get updated on anything. The game is great, but it becomes hard to play when there are so many bugs that you dont have an eta on fixing, that pc players dont have issues with; such as : No eta on the card changing bug, no news about specate, that has been a problem since launch, no news about a hot fix for ps4, no news about frame rate fix. If we could know what is going on and be updated on everything, it would ease a lot of frustrations going around.
Unfortunately the playstation community is being neglected from features that pc has. This is a great game and all platforms should be able to enjoy it equally.
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