Contemplating doing a low key stream tonight to answer questions about dominion / leagues. Pretty sure I can wrangle @dogles in too... How do people fell about 7PM EST?
Cozy streaming in an hour, answering Spellbreak questions about Dominion and League (and I guess talents as well if you're really curious). @dogles is gonna pop in and out too. at 7PM EST.
@Rynelan I can't say anything about SB right now. But yeah, AC1 was the start of my game dev career. I posted as "devilmouse" back then. Glad it meant something to you :)
@babelfishwars Ah yes. Interviews, the time for playing bad cop and trying to trip you up at the same time as selling you on why this is a great place to work. Hot GDC tips in action!
Conversations in the past 24 hours with multiple different gamedev friends /groups: "how fast do you think we can make a looter shooter / extraction game / survival game as a side project on Fortnite?!"
Gold rushin'!