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Yes, I know there are “pathing” problems with shockwave and you can take higher ground to neutralize the damage. However, if you can’t get onto high ground, shockwave smacks for 51 a pop if you have the epic stone gauntlet with a generous hit radius and gives 5 armor every cast. It is also able to be fired quickly, and you don’t even have to hit to heal. I think the other gauntlets are pretty well balanced but stone feels a bit overturned. And yes, I play it as well and smash face with it - it just feels very easy.

I had some thoughts on some changes to make the gauntlet more balanced. Any one of these minor changes could bring stone in line (or a combo of a few, but I’m not suggesting all of the changes be made). My main goal is to make the gauntlet feel more rewarding to play.

  1. Make the cooldown between casts 0.5 to 1 second longer. This will reduce how often they can crush you for 40-50 dmg and reduce the healing from shockwave.

  2. Increase the mana cost per shockwave. Not sure what to suggest here but maybe you only get 4 shots until you’re out of mana (with epic amulet). I watch stone gauntlet users panic and just spam cast shockwave - the shockwave should be something you should have to think about more before casting.

  3. Change the +5 armor to be +10 (or 5 still) armor on hit. You can even add the effect to boulder and make it +5 per person hit. It doesn’t make sense that the gauntlet heals every cast whether or not you hit the enemy.

  4. Reduce the area of effect when shockwave hits, make it a little more difficult to land the shockwave.

I don’t think that the damage of shockwave needs to be changed, it’s fine for it to hit hard - just make the hits more rewarding.

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over 3 years ago - /u/Proletariat_Andrew - Direct link

Originally posted by wickedblight

I feel like it should give 10 armor on hit rather than 5 no matter what since that rewards good plays rather than shit plays but the consensus on the reddit is anyone who dislikes stone just needs to "get gud" despite the fact it's clearly miserable to play against for a large portion of the playerbase.

You're gonna get a lot of douchey responses to this. Sorry the playerbase is so toxic, and yet they wonder why people are leaving the game...

In the past, stone would completey refill your armor. That was a bit too much. 20 isn't bad considering they have to stay on the ground to attack plus there isn't much mobility in the class. It's a give and take.

Take tempest, high mobility and low damage with the wind gauntlet (at range). However, this class does allow for extra damage with squall and fast sorcery cool downs.

There will always be pros and cons. If granted 10 per hit, you'd run into those that simply do not miss often. 5 armor per isn't much if you think about it, nearly anything that hits them does at least twice the damage but generally much more.