over 1 year ago - Splitgate - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

10s hola Good Morgan Ohio and bonjourno
14s welcome back to another award-winning
15s training video here at the portal
17s observation and gamification Institute
20s you've made it this far
22s ther than the fall I am so proud of you
26s you know how to one pull the trigger in
29s two place a portal but to three call
31s yourself a professional split gate
32s athlete you need to four for your mind
35s as you fly through the Rifts like an
37s interdimensional spider monkey you will
39s need to leverage a maneuver known as
42s triple portaling now surely you're
45s asking yourself hey self what does that
48s mean triple portaling well let me show
51s you
51s you I want you to place your first
54s portal on that surface right there and
56s the second one on that wall all the way
58s back there now some people say that you
61s can't be in two places at once and those
64s people are right
65s I'm just kidding they're so wrong here
67s let me show you oh and uh by the way
69s keep your hands arms and legs inside the
71s portal at all times we don't want
72s another Paul happening as you step
75s through the portal you will cross the
77s threshold between planes seen here as
79s the portal color changes now this
81s indicates the exact moment you'll be
83s able to hit the gas and instantaneously
85s travel around the map by sliding back
88s and forth between planes of existence
89s you will be able to access locations you
91s can't currently see in the blink of an
94s eye
95s now this tactic can be used to make a
97s quick exit or Unleash Your Inner beast
100s on some unsuspecting prey
102s keep practicing and you'll be able to
104s break World Records in no time that
107s wraps up another educational installment
109s here at the portal observation and
111s gamification program thanks for watching
113s and we'll see you next time
116s ready to test out what you've learned
118s here
119s we've just introduced a brand new battle
122s pass in Split gate beta season 2 for you
125s to climb through the ranks fight for
128s Glory and earn some very cool gear
132s foreign
133s [Music]