2 months ago - Splitgate 2 - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s and just like that with the click of a
3s button we're live everyone thank you for
6s taking the time to be here today we at
8s 1047 really appreciate it and we're
10s looking forward to talking with you all
11s a bit more about split gate 2 diving a
14s bit more into the alpha feedback things
16s of the sort uh this is our first split
18s stream not to be confused with the split
19s stream power weapon in splitgate 2 uh
22s we're going to be doing a few of these
23s over the next couple of weeks or months
25s uh so today we're going to be focusing
27s on game design so really looking forward
29s to that I'm Jessie Griffin BG I'm an
31s associate producer here at 1047 and I'm
34s here with Ian PR the co-founder and CEO
37s of 1047 and Dereck Jones our game
39s designer uh guys if you want to do just
41s a quick introduction and we can go ahead
43s and dive right into it Dereck you want
46s to go first yeah sure so uh I'm Derek or
50s a lot of people know me as a kuo um I've
52s got a a Halloween costume on right now
55s I'm I'm more of a cactus without this on
57s but um yeah I've been here for about
60s four a half years uh started as somebody
62s in the community and and still kind of
66s love the the um coming from that
68s background love interacting with the
69s community hearing from you guys and and
71s want to make a game you guys love so
73s looking forward to talking game design
75s and then hearing you guys' questions and
78s yeah yeah and I'll just add both Jesse
81s and Dereck are both me former members of
83s the community um we love hiring out of
85s the community so super pumped to be
87s working with them and maybe more people
89s in the future but um I'm Ian PR I'm CEO
93s and co-founder a lot of you guys know me
94s as Cardinal Soldier um you know been
97s working on this game for a very long
99s time um had the idea for splitgate
102s actually back in high school 12 plus
105s years ago um after playing Portal 2 just
108s absolutely fell in love with the concept
110s and obviously I'm a big Halo guy so
111s you'll see a lot of inspiration from the
113s Halo games the older ones especially um
116s but yeah started in the dorm room at
117s Stamford built a prototype uh um
121s obviously it's evolved into a lot more
122s than just that kind of initial idea but
125s uh excited to be chatting today and um
128s excited to also just be chatting with
129s the community more often you know I
131s think one of the things we're not just
132s talking about like feedback that we've
134s made today but also just a big focus of
137s of our um of the feedback we've gotten
140s and and that we've kind of been focusing
142s on internally is we want to talk to the
144s community more often that's why we did
145s the external play test uh we're going to
147s be doing a lot more of that um getting
149s back to kind of Our Roots of how we did
150s things with split gate one where a lot
153s of just Community First mentality
154s getting feedback all the time that's how
156s we make a great game so excited to be
158s chatting
159s today awesome thanks to you both uh so
163s we're probably going to go ahead and
164s Dive Right In uh on more a broad vision
167s of split g 2 uh as you all know we had
170s our first Alpha a couple of months ago
172s so we've taken a lot of time to you know
174s absorb that feedback and reiterate some
176s changes um so I guess you know first
179s question for you two uh what sort of
180s takeaways did you get from the alpha
182s were we pleased with the results did we
184s receive great feedback um what were your
186s thoughts on the
187s alpha I mean I was quite happy with the
190s alpha I mean I think kind of uh the
192s purpose of the alpha which maybe was a
194s little confusing because I think it kind
196s of we went into it with a number of
198s purposes and so it was kind of unclear
200s is this a marketing thing is this a
202s feedback thing you know what is this is
204s it a community thing um ultimately like
206s the way we view alphas and why we're
208s doing these external tests now is like
210s it's really a feedback thing for us it's
212s not meant to be some big marketing beat
214s and so like the way I looked at the
216s alpha is it it sort of validated what is
219s going well and it and it kind of gave us
221s the feedback and direction we needed on
223s where do we go from here and so um a lot
226s of the changes we're making which we'll
227s be diving into in a bit but you know a
229s lot of these changes are I mean really
231s all of these changes are stemmed from
234s the alpha feedback of hey we want a
236s slightly longer time to kill you know we
238s heard that a lot we want more portal
240s walls heard that a lot already you know
243s that's the first thing we did after the
245s alpha is like schedule a call talk about
247s it what are we hearing what are we
248s seeing what are the changes we want to
250s make um and how do we act fast on this
254s so yeah and just to add to that I think
257s something that again wasn't probably
259s super clear is like with this being
261s something that we're doing with the
263s primary goal being getting feedback and
265s iterating um a lot of the you know if we
268s were kind of 50/50 on decision
270s we always favored like let's do the
272s thing that is a bigger change and might
274s be more controversial and then let's get
277s feedback on that and then do whatever we
279s end thinking is better so like time to
281s kill I think is a great example where
283s you know we have these two options for
285s time to kill it's like should we do
286s slightly longer or slightly shorter and
288s then we figured you know closer to
290s original splitgate is going to be less
293s drastic change less controversial so I'd
295s rather do something that's a bigger
296s change is going to get more feedback see
299s what people think and then and you know
301s that's what we did heard a lot of
302s feedback that we wanted the time to kill
303s longer and then you know that kind of
306s decision is you know empowered by
308s getting feedback from the community
310s totally and I mean in retrospect we
312s probably shouldn't have led with this I
314s probably would have done it a little bit
315s differently but I think to Derrick's
317s Point like kind of the mindset going
319s into this is like let's put our
320s controversial changes forward because
323s that's the thing we want feed back on
324s right shared progression in Hot Zone
326s like we knew going into it this is going
328s to be a LoveHate kind of thing we ended
330s up changing it you know because we saw
332s some people like it and kind of the
334s intention of it originally was we like
336s those epic moments right you're uh
339s you're fighting over the hill we think
340s we're going to get it and then all of a
341s sudden last second somebody swoops in
343s and steals it um that's kind of cool but
346s it's also kind of annoying right and we
348s sort of knew that but we figured let's
349s put this to the test and get feedback
352s because we don't really need to test you
354s know I don't know something like
356s domination right Three Hills it's been
359s done in video video games and Shooters
361s forever you kind of know it works um so
364s we weren't really looking for feedback
365s on that we were looking for feedback on
367s the things that we don't know if they
368s work y awesome I think that's a really
372s good insightful uh discussion for for
375s certain feedback um moving on to like
378s the broader vision of split gate 2 a lot
381s of people have mentioned that it's
382s certainly much different than the first
385s split gate um whether it's splitgate one
387s or split gate who knows uh but with
390s liate uh you know we've introduced
392s factions weapons uh attachments that
394s sort of thing uh if you are a sbras fan
396s I'm repping the shirt uh so s Ras Club
399s in the chat please um I wanted to talk a
402s bit about the faction system and why we
404s went that direction uh you know
406s obviously it adds a lot more to the game
408s um so kind of want to get your thoughts
410s um on the faction system and abilities
414s totally um yeah so I'd say kind of the
416s whole approach with split G2 at a very
419s high level started with what are the
420s things we love about splick eight what
422s are the things that the fans love about
423s splick 8 and the community loves and
425s what are the things that we think kept
427s it from breaking through right because
429s obviously we all know very fun game I
432s mean still my second favorite game to
434s this day right behind splick a 2 but you
436s know a lot of things we did well that
438s put us on the map but obviously split
440s gate one wasn't able to sustain kind of
442s that momentum that we were hoping it
445s would um and so SPL k 2 started off as
447s just a very simple idea of like what do
449s we want to keep doing that people like
451s what are the things where we fell short
453s that we want to improve on uh and so
455s very quickly with that mindset um we
458s talked about meaningful variety with a
460s purpose that was a big theme of ours
463s with building split G2 is like how do we
465s add more variety because the pattern we
467s would see is people would come in they'd
468s have a ton of fun for about three or
470s four weeks and then they would run out
472s of things to do um similarly you know
474s live Ops having kind of a a really solid
477s content plan post launch we didn't have
480s that in Spate it kind of took us seven
481s months to ship a new map and a new
483s season and so a big theme which we
485s haven't really talked too much about yet
487s but you'll get to see obviously uh once
489s we do launch the game next year um is
491s just how awesome our live Ops and
493s content plan is there's going to be a
495s hell of a lot more new things coming you
498s know new maps modes Etc um that are
501s going to keep the game fresh and so I
503s think with those two kind of mindsets
504s and and a bunch of other things you know
506s raising the bar to AAA quality U Better
509s progression more social more teamwork
511s there's a lot of different things that
512s went into Spate to but kind of the
514s original Vision was let's lean into what
517s we do better than anyone else that we
519s love about splick that makes it special
521s which is amazing Gunplay awesome
523s movement and highlight inducing portal
526s mechanics right those are the three
527s things we need to preserve and also just
529s that fun vibe where we're not afraid to
531s be a little bit goofy um which we got
534s more of that coming don't worry but um
537s and then let's build on that right if
538s we're going to take that formula and
539s preserve those three things that make us
541s unique how do we improve that how do we
543s add more variety how do we have more
545s content how do we make it more social
547s right those are kind of the things that
548s we wanted to build on top um and so you
551s know if I talk about factions and
553s weapons Etc this is meant to be that 10%
557s icing on the cake right like my vision
559s our vision is not to be some sort of
561s ability hero shooter or anything like
563s that it's meant to be a game that's all
565s about guns and portals but that extra
568s 10% could be the difference between
570s winning and losing a gunfight but really
572s 90% is who's got the better aim who's
575s got the better mechanics who's got the
576s better portals that's what we want this
578s game to be about just like split gate
580s one just with that extra little bit on
582s top yeah I think the other thing I'll
585s add to that I think you pretty much
586s touched on everything as far as
588s inspiration um the one thing I'll touch
590s on is we talk about meaningful variety
592s with a purpose um and I think that we've
594s seen some of that like you know I think
597s there is more variety in like being able
600s to choose what weapon you start with or
601s being able to choose a faction and I
603s think we really like that um the other
605s thing I'll add though and we obviously
607s can't talk about this too much but
608s there's a lot of that meaningful variety
611s with a purpose that we haven't sh that's
613s still coming yeah yeah totally yeah
617s we've I mean we've shown one and a half
618s modes right we've shown TDM and we've
621s shown Hot Zone we got a lot of different
623s and I wouldn't say that those modes are
625s highlighting meaningful variety and a
627s purpose to your point right that is a
629s Hill mode that we really like that we
631s think does a lot of things very well and
633s it's a slightly different flavor of Team
635s Deathmatch where okay it's round based
638s whatever um there's things we like about
640s that but to your point I'd say split
643s gate one we had 20 different flavors of
645s the same thing with our modes I mean I
647s think takedown was awesome but you know
649s you think about cthd TDM shoty Snipes
652s all all these modes are kind of the same
654s pacing same Maps
657s same you know kind of different flavor
659s the same thing right and so I think what
661s you'll see um in the future uh is a lot
665s of uh big um big variety so yeah like I
670s think we've thrown around the number 10%
673s for what we've shown so far I think
675s that's approximately right of like
677s there's a lot of stuff that we haven't
678s shown yet that we're really excited
680s about um again we can't talk about it
682s too much but just to really highlight
684s that like when we say meaningful variety
687s with purpose like that's not something
688s we've shown yet but it's something we
690s take really seriously yeah yeah good
692s point yeah well said uh you guys talked
695s a little bit about Team Deathmatch I'm
698s going to jump in uh on a bounce off
700s question of this we got a lot of
701s feedback on Team Deathmatch for our
702s first Alpha a lot of them mixed
704s reactions in regards to the round note
707s specifically and whether or not the
708s rounds felt too short or too fast um
711s looking to see you know with that feed
713s that feedback that we've implemented
715s hoping we can go ahead and let the
716s community know what changes have been
717s made because we do hear you yeah totally
720s I mean so the biggest thing for both of
722s our round based modes is longer rounds
723s right we want you to be able to get into
725s that flow state so um you know the the
727s kill cap in TDM went from 15 to 20 so
731s pretty substantial increase in time to
734s uh win around um uh we got mixed
738s feedback I'll say candidly on if people
740s like round-based TDM I think we actually
742s saw a little bit more positive than
744s negative um a lot of people it took a it
747s was kind of different right but I think
749s to me sort of the original inspiration
751s I'm a huge Gears of War fan and I was
753s actually I recently replayed gears one 2
756s and three and beat all their campaigns
758s in prep for e eay um which has me pretty
761s hyped but I was playing Gears of War 3's
764s TDM and I actually think it's a really
766s really fun system one of our goals with
769s game modes in particular was more epic
772s moments and the thing we really like
774s about round-based is you kind of have an
777s epic moment every single round um even
780s in the external play test we did last
782s Saturday um you know having that uh 19
786s to9 who's going to win the point very
788s high stakes you could lose and now oh
791s [ __ ] we're down but hey let's reset we
794s get a power weapon maybe we win round
796s two um so that's kind of the motivation
798s there and we we've seen mixed mixed
800s feedback candidly um but I will say
803s we've seen more good than bad and so
805s we're we're still continuing to keep an
806s eye on it um but definitely the one
808s thing we for sure saw was a want for
811s longer rounds and so we've addressed
813s that and we're going to keep an eye on
814s it yeah and I'll say like you know we do
817s a lot of testing internally and and
819s getting feedback both from internal
821s people and external people when we're
822s making changes like this so like the
824s first thing that we did when we heard
826s the feedback about TDM rounds being too
829s short is like all right let's make them
830s longer and I think we immediately went
832s to 25 inter internally it's like all
834s right let's test a lot longer rounds we
837s do that got a lot of feedback about yeah
839s this is longer and I like it but it's a
841s little bit too long and then you know
843s kind of meet in that middle where it's
844s like all right where's this sweet spot
846s and yeah um I think you know now that
848s we're playing with 20 we've seen a lot
849s of positivity around that change um
852s people thinking that that's feeling
853s really good so excited to get more
855s people to play with it yeah and I'll add
858s to that you know my kind of our
859s philosophy when it comes to design art
862s really everything is we like to make big
864s changes and then dial it back um I think
867s it's really easy to get into this
869s mindset of just like increasing 10% 10%
872s 10% 10% and you just it takes forever to
875s get there and so with any change whether
878s it's balancing a weapon or match length
882s whatever it is our philosophy is let's
885s you know if it's too short let's make
887s sure the next time we play it it's
888s actually too long and then we'll get a
891s sense of where do we need to meet in the
892s middle uh we do this even with art
895s changes I was talking to the environment
897s team yesterday about about uh some
900s changes on a map and uh I told him hey
902s go too far to the point where it's like
904s this is annoying and then dial it back
906s and I think that just really works well
908s with with design so yeah yeah it
911s definitely does uh I work a lot with
913s audio and V effects and so there's a
915s weapon that comes to mind future power
917s weapon no names uh but yeah started off
920s a little too uh we didn't like the
923s direction so we just went and just
925s buffed it up and we found a good spot
927s for it so yeah the way that we've been
929s doing it is working well we'll say hey
931s that that audio that gunshot sounds a
933s little bit too weak I want it to sound
934s op and then let's me in the middle
938s so awesome uh I want to go ahead and
941s move over to competitive versus casual
944s gameplay uh factions abilities equipment
947s and more um you know want to take a bit
949s of time to talk about some concerns that
950s we've seen throughout the community
951s which is balancing casual versus
953s competitive uh and you know if there's a
956s a place for both sorts of Gamers uh
958s within our our game
960s yeah well I'll say um so far really all
963s we've shown is the competitive side um I
966s mean you could argue TDM is kind of for
968s both right everybody loves TDM um but
971s I'd say you know the only modes we've
973s shown so far are on the more competitive
975s side like hot zone is meant to be one of
977s our competitive modes um I think for
980s balancing and testing like uh obviously
983s we have a lot of goofy modes coming but
986s it does balance doesn't matter quite as
988s much for a goofy mode mode as it does
990s for a competitive mode so right now as
991s we try to balance the factions we're
993s trying to balance them around the more
995s competitive modes and then focus on the
998s fun right so for all the goofy modes you
1001s know split gate had like low gravity
1003s stuff like that it doesn't really matter
1005s if in a low gravity mode sbras versus
1008s Aeros is a little bit more powerful than
1010s one or the other um so for kind of our
1014s factions weapons Etc we're trying to
1016s balance around competitive and then for
1018s everything else like our Pro PR even for
1020s competitive our priority is fun you know
1022s we like to say fun first it's one of our
1024s pillars of game design and so uh we've
1027s been spell out hey we will prioritize
1029s fun over competitive Integrity over
1032s monetization over you know whatever it
1035s is we need to prioritize fun first
1038s because that is our top goal is make the
1039s most fun game
1040s possible yeah totally and I I think you
1044s know there are a lot of times where you
1046s can do things that help both groups or
1049s help one group and the other group just
1050s doesn't care like I think when we were
1053s going through this pass that we were
1054s talking about um adding portals to Maps
1057s we have a lot of maps where it's like if
1059s there was a floor portal here or
1061s competitive players going to use that a
1063s lot of times probably not because it's
1065s you know floor portal it's more fun
1067s based it's not super like strong
1069s strategically necessarily but it's fun
1072s and um adding in a lot more of that and
1075s trying to focus on that things where
1077s it's like yeah this is just a win for a
1080s casual player who just wants to have fun
1082s and create highlights and have a good
1084s time and it's not hurting competitive
1086s players at all so that's kind of the the
1089s balance that we're looking to strike a
1090s lot of times I think totally and that's
1092s why some of these portal walls we added
1094s kind of the original mind set like we
1096s didn't want to have portal walls that
1098s wouldn't be used um we weren't even
1101s thinking necessarily competitive we were
1102s just thinking this is kind of a niche
1104s portal wall do we really need it and I
1106s think our mindset now is a little bit
1108s different which is like well
1110s it's fun if you're a really good player
1112s maybe you don't use that portal wall
1114s because you know you're just triple
1116s portaling all day but for a lot of
1118s players it's just an additional option
1120s it's a fun thing you can get momentum
1122s out of it and so I think our mindset is
1124s definitely shifted a little bit after
1126s the alpha feedback and the execution
1129s you'll see with with both the existing
1131s maps and some of the new maps that we've
1133s gone and added some additional portal
1135s walls too yeah and just the direction
1137s for feature Maps as well so you know you
1140s at least some of the people um that are
1142s watching have seen some of the changes
1144s that we made to the alpha 1 Maps where
1146s you know we added a couple floor portals
1148s a couple places you can get momentum um
1151s that kind of stuff as well as other
1153s normal Standard wall portals um but then
1155s we're doing that same process on future
1157s Maps where it's like okay this map that
1160s nobody has played yet like how can we
1161s make this better um with this feedback
1164s that we received on our existing maps
1166s and then the maps we're creating from
1167s scratch right now and we're creating new
1169s you know from the groundup blockouts
1172s like again how can we use this feedback
1175s that we're receiving the Alpha One maps
1177s and use that to improve our future
1180s content yep yeah that's awesome yeah
1183s thanks for that Derek I believe uh in
1184s the future one of our split streams are
1186s actually going to be about map and level
1188s design so stay tuned for more in-depth
1191s explanations there uh it's going to be a
1193s super fun time um wanted to talk a
1196s little bit about weapons uh in our last
1198s external play test we had on Saturday
1200s attachments was a big talking point on
1203s why we added certain attachments um and
1205s we didn't want to of course overwhelm
1206s the players um and speaking on weapons
1209s if you have not uh actually the three of
1211s us we did a a breakdown of our favorite
1213s weapon and faction uh Loadout so if you
1215s guys have not seen that yet it's on our
1216s Twitter exclamation point Twitter uh go
1219s ahead and take a look just a couple
1220s posts down uh quick 30 second tips uh
1223s but yeah want to talk a bit about
1224s attachments because that is a big change
1226s coming from the first split gate and
1228s moving toward again like that faction
1230s style um you know personalization sort
1233s of play uh so why did we use certain
1236s attachments um and you know only allow
1238s two rather than you know up to five like
1240s other games yeah well I'll I'll say a
1243s couple things so one definitely you
1245s should go look at at Twitter um because
1247s we didn't just show our favorites but we
1249s also revealed a new gun so AOS has a
1252s shotgun it's an auto shotgun um it's one
1255s of my favorite guns in the game um I'll
1258s just a uh I'm a huge fan of the original
1261s Modern Warfare 2 and I just Lov the aa2
1265s and I talk about it a little bit I think
1266s my marketing team told me like H you
1267s shouldn't call out other games I'm like
1269s I don't care I love Modern Warfare 2 um
1272s but yeah very similar to that like
1275s original aa2 Modern Warfare 2 shotgun um
1279s super fun so um in terms of attachments
1282s I mean again like we wanted to have
1284s variety but meaningful variety right and
1286s so what I'd say is if you look at um you
1290s know the direction that uh the previous
1292s game I just talked about has headed
1294s there's a lot of attachments um and
1297s that's cool in some ways right it gives
1299s you a ton of variety but when there's 50
1302s different options not only does it get
1304s overwhelming but it also kind of forces
1305s you to um make them extremely subtle
1309s right every single
1310s attachment it's like is it even changing
1313s the way the weapon plays and so I think
1315s with our goal of meaningful variety with
1317s a purpose we said hey attachments each
1320s of those attachments is a net positive
1322s it's meaningful it's impactful it's
1324s actually going to change the gun in a in
1326s a meaningful way um and and we're not
1329s going to overwhelm the user with 500
1332s options it's like hey here's five
1333s options pick two and they're going to
1336s give you a benefit um and uh yeah so
1339s that was kind of our our mindset there
1341s yeah I think it kind of touches on what
1343s we've talked about with meaningful
1345s variety with purpose right where you
1347s know we we use that pillar across a lot
1348s of parts of the game but that's another
1350s one where it's like we want these
1352s attachments to actually make the gun
1354s feel different and like if I want
1356s something the you know that plays into
1358s my play style of playing at longer range
1361s like I think Jesse's Loadout had a laser
1362s sight and extended Barrow where like now
1365s this assault rifle is a lot better
1367s fighting at long range where normally an
1369s assault rifle is more of a medium range
1370s weapon um so you know that that
1373s customization and being able to play to
1376s your strengths and your own play style
1377s and car out your own Niche I think it's
1380s a lot of the the driving yeah course
1382s there we'd rather have one grip that
1384s makes an impact than like 12 grips that
1386s are all slightly different flavors of
1389s the same thing yeah yeah what I love
1392s about the attachments we have a wide
1394s variety of maps uh in sizes talked about
1397s that in our external play tests as well
1399s uh we introduce a new map which is
1400s always exciting so you guys will
1401s hopefully see more of that in the future
1404s um but yeah I love being able to swap
1406s from a certain Loadout to new
1408s attachments size I think it's a really
1410s fun refreshing time you know games don't
1413s feel so you know mundane because there's
1415s so many different aspects within our
1417s Loadout
1418s system uh I guess we'll go ahead and
1421s move right on into movement and
1423s regeneration mechanics um obviously you
1426s know triple portaling is still a big
1428s factor for those who want to do that we
1429s have of course introduced more ways to
1431s move around the map we have some jump
1433s pads we've added the ability to slide um
1436s and of course the Aeros Rush uh the
1437s well-loved ability
1439s um how are we planning on like refining
1442s these sorts of elements based off of
1443s feedback we've made some already but
1445s want to get your guys' ideas on you know
1448s the we the not the weapons the the
1450s movement mechanics and you know the
1451s differences between split K and split
1453s K2 yeah um well I'll say kind of the the
1456s biggest change we made after the alpha
1459s was we added the ability to Sprint while
1460s reloading to all classes um that was
1464s surprisingly awesome I will say like
1467s adding that I think at first we thought
1468s oh this is like a really subtle thing
1470s and AOS is kind of the Speedy class so
1472s we'll just give it to AOS um thank God
1475s we added it to all classes because it's
1478s not just that you can Sprint while
1480s reloading I mean that's great and it
1481s feels faster and more fluid and
1483s responsive but it's also the fact that
1485s you can um reload while you slide and
1489s it's not even something I even thought
1491s about it was just kind of an unintended
1493s consequence of being able to now Sprint
1496s while reloading and uh it just feels so
1499s nice to get in that flow state of like
1501s you're fighting you're shooting you you
1504s know you're low on ammo you're low on
1505s health you're trying to run away because
1507s you got the first kill you got to reload
1508s you just slide down that Hill um it just
1511s feels so fluid and so much better than
1513s ever um so I think that was like the
1515s biggest change um I think another thing
1517s I actually don't even remember if this
1519s was alpha or not I think maybe it was
1522s but I know at some point you couldn't
1524s throw equipments or do abilities while
1526s shooting I don't I don't actually
1528s remember if that made it into the alpha
1529s or not but now you know our philosophy
1532s is like guns up always right so we want
1534s you to be able to shoot we don't want to
1536s take away from that um and so uh with
1540s everything whether I'm doing my hypers
1543s sight throwing down a barrier wall
1545s throwing a smoke grenade shooting myself
1547s with a stem um I can shoot the entire
1550s time um and so I think it's just about
1552s making the game feel responsive right
1554s when I click a button I want that button
1556s to immediately do what I think it's
1559s going to do and so preventing blocking
1562s that is kind of what we're trying to go
1563s for so it just feels more Snappy yeah I
1566s think to answer what you aren't sure on
1569s um in Alpha you could shoot while doing
1573s abilities but it didn't rate very well
1575s um the animations weren't quite
1576s reflecting oh yeah just because it was
1577s still working in progress and then for
1579s equipment stim shot was the only one
1581s that you could shoot while using it and
1584s that was something we got feedback on is
1585s like stim shot just feels more fun than
1587s these other equipment because you shoot
1590s while you're using it so we're like okay
1592s maybe we should go back and yeah to
1594s clarify like a lot of it was just the
1596s visuals if I recall now which is like
1598s before you know you'd do the hypers
1601s sight and your gun would go off to the
1603s side right and technically you could
1605s still shoot it's just your guns pointed
1606s that way so you don't think you can
1607s shoot and so now it's we've updated the
1611s animation uh the animation team's been
1613s doing amazing work but now it's you know
1615s I do this my gun is still pointed at
1617s this it's still you know does a little
1619s bit so it doesn't feel like you're stiff
1621s um but it's still pointed I can still
1623s shoot while I'm doing that I can still
1625s shoot while I'm doing that um just to
1627s make it feel better and more consistent
1629s with player expectations yeah I I think
1632s the other thing um that I would say was
1635s like hugely impactful more so than I
1637s thought honestly um
1640s was wow and there goes it's gone no um
1644s the the two things that we did one was
1646s obviously reloading while sprinting
1648s which was and then the other was
1650s sprinting by default being an option so
1651s we didn't have that in Alpha so there's
1654s a lot of people who don't like holding
1655s shift and I think even on controller it
1657s was kind of like sometimes you get taken
1658s out of Sprint by something like
1660s reloading and then um you know switching
1664s that to now have the option where you
1666s just all the time if I press W and I'm
1668s not blocked by something I just Sprint
1670s um feels so much better so much smoother
1673s I think we even had it on by default in
1675s the most recent test that we did and got
1676s a lot of really positive feedback about
1678s that
1679s feeling more smooth yeah I'm a hater of
1682s that to be honest you have the option I
1684s turn it off because I I am just I don't
1685s know I'm just used to holding shift
1687s forever even though there's no point but
1690s um but that's that's
1692s cool yeah another great bit of feedback
1695s that we adjusted you know that was
1697s pretty popular in the community for
1698s giving that feedback was being able to
1700s close one of your two portal walls or
1702s portals rather than than both uh so we
1704s have made that adjustment as well for
1705s those who are very Savvy with their
1707s portaling uh that of course has been
1709s addressed and as always thank you for
1711s the feedback oh yeah I forgot about that
1714s one and that's also optional I think
1716s what we did is by default like your
1718s default bindings is just one button to
1721s close both but if you're the kind of
1723s person who wants to have two buttons
1726s mapped or have paddles on your
1728s controller right you have that
1732s optionality yeah
1733s absolutely all right well I do think
1736s that we're probably going to go ahead
1737s and take a couple of questions from the
1739s chat um we do have a full-fledged Q&A
1742s tomorrow in our Discord if you're not
1745s part of the Discord please go ahead and
1746s throw down exclamation point Discord
1748s exclamation point socials if you want to
1750s be a bit more involved in the community
1751s be sure to RSVP for that event in the
1753s Discord plenty of more time does that
1756s make sense uh plenty of time to address
1759s your questions we're only going to be
1760s able to tackle a few today um so go and
1763s feel free to ask tomorrow we're doing a
1764s bunch so make sure if we don't get to
1766s your question today come tomorrow is the
1769s point come to the Discord yeah we'll
1771s answer a bunch of questions and we're
1773s going to do a lot of this kind of stuff
1774s going forward so yeah absolutely so yeah
1777s we'll go Ahad and take a couple of
1778s questions now uh to Derek and Ian just
1780s go ahead and you know pick and choose
1781s questions that you see that you think we
1783s want to talk about and yeah once again
1785s tomorrow a lot more questions going to
1786s be
1787s answered Dereck I'll let you uh drive
1790s this because I don't have
1793s the
1795s um auo Jesse how does it feel being the
1798s most handsome at 1047 thank you
1800s m great question thank you that's a
1803s great question yeah how does it feel
1805s Jesse being most handsome at 1047 you
1808s know I gotta say it feels pretty amazing
1812s uh how much did you guys pay MC to ask
1814s no enough
1816s apparently our marketing budget is gone
1819s sorry Tim yeah sorry about
1821s that H I did see a good question uh if
1823s we can close enemy portals uh yes you
1826s can we have shifted from the EMP
1828s grenades and Spate one uh you can now
1831s actually place your portal over an enemy
1833s portal uh there is currently a time
1835s where you cannot I believe it's 3
1836s seconds right now that is also of course
1838s being tested and worked on uh so you
1841s will be able to replace enemy replace
1843s enemy portals with the click of a button
1844s and instantly rather than lobbing a
1846s grenade and having to wait for that
1848s grenade to travel so super fun yeah I
1850s can just add add to that a little bit
1852s too there's there's a number of things
1853s we did to make portals just feel better
1856s um and so part of it was removing the
1859s EMP grenades that was another one some
1860s people loved them some people hated them
1862s but in general we want every button that
1864s you press to feel very Snappy responsive
1867s and just fun and it doesn't feel that
1869s fun to throw an EMP grenade at a wall
1872s only for the player to then immediately
1874s spawn another portal right there um and
1877s so the thinking was we just want you to
1879s be able to point and click and have it
1881s feel responsive there's an enemy portal
1883s there you just shoot it and it's deleted
1886s um but your portal is invulnerable for a
1889s few seconds so that you don't get into
1891s this just battle of spamming portal
1893s against a portal Walt to try to camp and
1895s block them when you only have a limited
1897s resource of your EMP grenades um the
1900s other thing we did uh there's actually I
1902s guess a number of changes we made to
1904s make portals feel better so one of them
1906s is client side portals and so um I don't
1910s fully understand the technical details
1911s here um but I know there's a lot of
1913s fancy Iris replication Unreal Engine 5
1916s Voodoo that we do that basically makes
1919s portals just way more responsive um
1922s especially at high ping you know if
1924s you're sitting next to the server it's
1926s not going to make a huge difference but
1928s if you're at 50 ping even um spawning a
1932s portal there's just that slight delay
1934s which especially if you're into triple
1936s portaling or you're trying to do last
1937s second things in Split gate one very
1940s difficult to do and it could be the
1941s difference between life and death in
1943s Split A2 it's just like how it feels in
1946s race mode where just you just click that
1948s button and it spawns instantly and you
1950s can just move the way you want to uh and
1953s then the last thing we did is just
1954s portal nudging um and so really nice
1957s change cuz you know there's no worse
1958s feeling than having just not you know
1961s there's just not quite enough room on
1963s that portal wall cuz your teammates
1964s portal is right there and you need one
1966s more inch and you spawn it and it just
1968s doesn't spawn and so um one of our
1971s Engineers Ben Rocklin who many of you
1973s probably know finest been but uh
1975s implemented the ability to just nudge a
1976s teammate's portal right so if if I spawn
1978s a portal and there's just a few inches
1980s not enough room it'll just subtly move
1983s my teammate's portal a few inches to the
1984s right or left to make room and so
1986s there's a lot of little things like that
1988s we've done to just make it feel better
1990s that you'll especially notice you kind
1992s of go back and forth between split gate
1994s one and two you'll notice the difference
1996s yeah I think portal snapping is another
1997s one of those where in Split gate it's
2000s something we saw all the time especially
2001s among newer players where they'll place
2004s a portal try to walk through it and
2005s they'll stub their toe and just get
2007s stuck right about to walk through it so
2010s now we do something where it's like okay
2011s if it's within a certain radius um of
2014s just being on the floor let's just put
2015s it on the floor if it's like a foot off
2018s the ground just snap it to the ground
2020s and I think we have the option to turn
2022s that off so if you're a pro player and
2024s you're just like I don't want it to snap
2025s to the ground I want it to be six inches
2027s off you can do that um but yeah for most
2031s players yeah yeah and and to talk on the
2034s client side portals um something I've
2036s seen few times now is obviously in the
2039s alpha because it's such a limited play
2041s test we don't have all of our servers up
2043s you know in the future we'll we'll have
2045s a lot more regions that you can play in
2046s so you can play on your local server and
2049s get the best connection possible um but
2052s in the alpha we didn't have Australia
2054s servers so the best server for someone
2057s in Australia was playing on West Coast
2059s which is like 200 milliseconds of ping
2061s which is a lot um and I saw several
2064s people where I would tell them that they
2067s were playing on 200 millisecond of ping
2068s and they were like wait what like I
2070s thought I was playing on Australia
2071s servers like that felt as good as
2073s playing any other shooter when I'm
2075s playing on my own server which yeah I
2077s think really shows like the amount of
2078s work that we've put into trying to make
2080s it feel good for everybody whether it be
2082s somebody who has worse internet or you
2085s know somebody playing on a server with
2086s their friends that are cross you know
2089s maybe I'm on West Coast and I want to
2090s play with my friends on the East Coast
2092s just making that feel as good as
2093s possible to to open up people to play
2095s with their friends and yeah and it's not
2098s just portals I mean it's everything in
2099s the game it's just that there's so much
2101s Network optimizations we've done in
2103s splitgate 2 that it just feels really
2106s really responsive um and snappy and and
2108s I mean even on the uh the hardware side
2111s there's still more uh improvements to
2113s come of course um but we've done a lot
2116s to optimize this thing but especially on
2119s networking another question I saw from
2122s code Phoenix um what were the changes
2124s you guys made for the ttk like what
2126s weapons and stats did you guys change
2129s this question was quite a while ago
2130s there's not a huge stream delay I just
2132s highlighted it and saved it while we
2133s were talking to clarify I'll let you
2135s tackle it yeah so basically um weapon
2139s balance is kind of the thing I spend a
2141s lot of my time doing um you know
2143s adjusting stuff trying to make it all
2144s feel balanced so just so you guys know
2146s if anything's ever op you know who to
2149s yell at um and who to blame it's it's my
2151s fault um so kind of the process of going
2154s from alpha to now was you know we again
2157s heard a lot of feedback about splitgate
2160s time to kill felt better I wish it was
2161s like split gate so it was like okay um
2163s and the original Alpha was basically
2165s balanced around the splitgate assault
2167s rifle so a little bit faster time to
2169s kill you know had to buff up the
2171s splitgate carbine buff up things to to
2175s you know match that split gate assault
2176s rifle which was a bit strong you're
2178s saying originally not now that was
2179s originally what we did and um whenever
2182s we moved you know into now and the play
2185s test that we did uh recently with a few
2188s of you guys um we basically said okay I
2192s think the splitgate carbine is actually
2194s more what we want to be balancing around
2196s not the splitgate assault rifle it's
2197s moved to the splitgate carbine so the
2199s Aeros carbine basically just said the
2201s Aeros carbine is going to be exactly the
2203s splitgate carbine and then let's balance
2205s everything else around that so um the
2208s question was like what weapons and
2209s values did you change we changed every
2211s value on every weapon um basically went
2214s through and adjusted everything to be
2216s okay what would this look like if it was
2218s balanced with the AOS carbine being the
2220s splitgate carbine um so yeah changed a
2224s ton of stuff also made a huge pass on
2227s weapon drop off just to make it feel
2229s more intuitive um and more you know
2232s consistent across all weapons also you
2234s know impacts stuff like attachments a
2236s lot so I don't want to dive too deep I
2238s could talk for hours about the the
2240s changes we made in kind of my uh
2242s philosophy on weapon balance and
2244s Equipment balance and faction balance
2246s like faction balance wasin definitely a
2248s big one that we've taken a lot of passes
2249s at with AOS being tldr though
2253s ISR is now virtually the same as split
2257s G8 one's time to kill yep which is
2260s longer than the alpha
2265s yep all right well I think we are
2267s probably going to go ahead and call this
2270s time uh Dereck and Ian thank you guys
2272s again for uh the time that you've taken
2274s out of the day uh very busy time over at
2276s 10:47 of course so it's appre appr I
2278s know the community it uh once more uh
2282s chat as the big streamers like to say uh
2285s we do have once again a Q&A tomorrow at
2287s Friday uh 3M Pacific time again
2289s exclamation point Discord to go and hop
2291s in there uh wish list the game on Steam
2293s of course so we know that you're excited
2294s to hop in the server uh and trust me if
2296s you if you haven't gotten to play yet we
2298s are just as excited for you to check it
2300s out as you are play it so once again
2303s thank you all so much for your time and
2304s we will see you all
2306s tomorrow thank you Jesse thanks
2308s everybody for tuning in we're going to
2309s be doing a lot more of this kind of
2310s stuff in the near future and we'll see
2313s you tomorrow