over 1 year ago - Splitgate - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s momentarily the man of the hour of
2s course creator split ian prue
4s also co-founder of 1047 games and ceo of
7s 1047 games um
9s wants to talk directly to all of you so
11s please bear with us as he's probably
13s wrapping up another important meeting
17s um also there we go up here
21s there we go
23s what's up cardinal
25s how you feeling
26s i'm feeling good um you know i have uh
30s you know we talked to the pros i spoke
32s with the pros today and and everybody
34s was very understanding which i was
35s really happy about um seems like most
38s people i've i've chatted with have been
40s pretty understanding which is obviously
42s uh a relief um
45s but uh overall i'm just excited to be
47s able to finally kind of break the news
49s and and
50s be transparent about this um because
53s it's been you know
54s we want to tell you guys everything
55s obviously um and uh we wanted the
59s community first and you know with this
61s decision it's one of those big decisions
63s where you can't talk about it right and
65s as much as we wanted to talk about this
66s a month ago
68s we couldn't and so now finally being
70s able to to share this is really nice
72s so
73s i'm feeling good
76s all right well a lot a lot of
78s information to unpack we had our initial
81s uh letter which i hope everyone here has
84s read
84s but also we had an faq a lot of uh
86s nuanced information um so
89s if you guys haven't seen that um
91s definitely check the um one of the
93s recent announcements um slicket.com faq
97s has a lot of important information but
99s uh we're gonna at some in a few minutes
101s we're gonna go ahead and do a q a
102s anyways um and you know answer your
104s questions directly here on this town
106s hall it wouldn't be a town hall if it
107s didn't have a q a
109s so uh yeah anyways anything else you
111s wanted to share
113s in about uh the decision making process
115s or
116s you know about the current game the
118s future game stuff like that
121s i mean the main thing i'll say is is
123s just
124s i'm very excited and i know that this
126s was um probably tough for some people to
129s hear uh but you know i think the
131s overwhelming feeling internally is is
134s one of excitement um
136s you know we we really have a lot of big
138s things planned for this next game and
140s obviously you know split gate started
142s off as a school project you know i don't
144s know if everyone knows that but that was
145s literally my senior project in college
147s at stanford
148s and uh there's a lot of stuff that we
151s did really well
152s you know the gun play the portal
154s mechanic
155s you know there's a lot of really really
157s awesome things i love split gate i mean
158s i still play it regularly um but there's
161s also a lot of things we want to do
162s differently that it's just we've learned
164s a ton over the past five plus years
167s and you know this allows us to build
169s something that i think can truly be
172s special and can go compete with the
174s biggest games out there uh and
176s ultimately that's the goal here right we
178s want to build something that has the
180s player base that you guys deserve that
182s has you know the player base we had when
185s we first launched this thing on console
187s and even bigger than that
188s um and this is what we think is going to
190s allow us to get there
194s well said okay
196s um
197s i think there's there's some uh probably
200s a lot of a lot of questions out there
202s answered in the faq once again if you're
203s just joining
205s um
205s we wanna we're gonna hear your questions
207s so make sure you raise your hand and
208s we'll we'll try to get to as many of you
210s as possible for this hour but please
212s please check
213s splitgate.com faq
216s and there's a lot of information beyond
218s just the the letter that we
220s um shared with you guys today so um
222s anyways well how about we just start
224s answering some questions ready
229s okay let's see go ahead and raise your
231s hand
233s of you
234s oh my discord's glitched there's too
237s many people
240s hold on okay now it's back all right
242s let's start with this guy
243s kennedy
245s raises his hand
247s i got the gun
249s uh thanks for putting this together i am
250s uh interested to talk to all of you i'm
252s curious when did you reach this decision
254s internally and like what was the process
257s that led you here obviously you're
258s trying to
259s basically build a new foundation because
261s the existing platform isn't capable of
263s doing all of the things that you want to
265s do but could you speak to
267s you know what those things are and what
268s your timeline has been
270s yeah absolutely um so i guess timeline
274s so obviously you know we
276s we launched the beta in july right uh we
279s did the massive fund raise in september
281s right we raised 100 million um right
284s around the fundraise nick and i started
287s just thinking about this
289s it wasn't like hey we should go do this
291s it was more like you know what do you
293s think about this like just
295s you know do you think we should
297s keep doing this thing you know we got
298s all this money we've got all this hiring
300s we need to do
301s um there's a lot of things we've learned
304s and sort of the reality of it is like
306s we've got this really really fun and
308s special game that you know it does it's
311s very special it's very unique
313s um
314s but there's so much more we could do
316s with this thing if we started over right
318s i mean not started over but you know if
320s we kind of had a clean slate
322s and so that was kind of the first time
323s we had any sort of conversation and it
325s was just me and my co-founder nick we
327s didn't tell anybody about this we didn't
329s tell
330s i mean we didn't tell any of the
332s marketing people we didn't tell any of
333s the team we didn't tell any of the
335s investors it was just sort of me and
336s nick having a question of like huh yeah
338s that's kind of an interesting thought
340s um i think in december
342s was the first time we had more of like a
344s more meaningful conversation
346s and i got a kuvo's opinion on it as well
349s um
351s and uh again it wasn't like a serious
354s conversation it was just sort of like
356s yeah i don't know guys like you know
358s what do you think like we want your
359s opinion derek this could make a lot of
362s sense in the future um
364s but you know okay we've got a new beta
366s season coming you know the server issues
367s are mostly under control like you know
370s again let's just table this idea for now
373s let's keep going um then we did beta
375s season one
376s and um
378s beta season one we learned a lot um
380s which was good you know i think
381s especially from marketing um it was a
383s learning experience for us and you know
385s we're not spending a ton of money on
386s marketing but we're testing things we're
388s trying to see what can we learn and i
390s don't think beta season one from a
392s marketing perspective went particularly
394s well
395s um
396s and so we decided okay we gotta do beta
398s season two
400s um and uh we need to you know we wanna
403s we wanna do a different approach to our
405s marketing you know more kind of
406s guerrilla marketing more creative you
409s know we did kind of the the clever stuff
410s with the the halo content creators um
413s and actually hillary noob in the tube
415s had just
416s he joined in february actually and just
419s really
420s brought a lot of creative marketing to
421s the table so we figured you know let's
424s do a beta season two
425s um we think marketing is going to be
427s much better on this one
429s um and that'll kind of inform our
431s decision so the first time we really
434s talked to a little bit of a broader
435s group was in
437s may
438s and again this is we're talking like a
440s handful of employees but not by any
443s means everybody
444s and we just sort of said
446s let's see how beta season two goes
448s and um you know if it if this goes
451s really well like you know we'll keep
453s doing this thing but
454s let's see where we're at if it you know
456s if this doesn't really move the needle
458s then i think we need to strongly
460s consider
461s um making some more
463s uh drastic changes to our game plan um
466s and so
467s that happened then in june
469s beta season two came out i think from a
471s marketing perspective it was actually a
473s huge success
474s um like in terms of the number of
476s eyeballs in terms of just the visibility
479s we had on on the game it was
482s significantly better than than beta
484s season one um but again it didn't really
487s end up translating to downloads i think
489s you know you've got a lot of people who
491s um
492s really like splitgate who played it when
495s it came out but they've sort of formed
496s their opinion on it at this point
498s and this kind of iterative approach
501s where we are updating old stuff while
504s trying to release new stuff while hiring
506s a ton of people and trying to onboard
508s them it just
509s it sort of turned into this thing where
511s it's the worst of both worlds instead of
512s the best of both worlds so it was very
514s inefficient for us development wise
517s um and it was very inefficient and
519s ineffective marketing wise and so in
522s june
523s um
524s we
525s really i guess end of june or early july
528s is when we finally said okay this is the
530s decision
531s um you know we talked about it with the
533s leadership team i think end of june made
536s the decision and then in early july
539s uh told the whole company like all right
541s guys this is the plan we're going to
543s slowly start transitioning people
544s towards the next game
547s and at that point we had a general idea
549s of the changes we wanna wanted to make
551s not like a specific like yeah this is
553s exactly what the next game looks like
554s but more of like yeah these are some of
556s the things we'd like to accomplish with
558s the next game that we can't do on the
560s first one um on split gate
562s um
564s and so that's when we kind of started
565s thinking about it and then
567s came up with a plan and um but yeah i
569s guess final decision was made early july
572s cool
574s thank you
575s canada real quick yeah if you don't mind
578s um so it sounds like there's there's two
581s real motivators here that there's the
583s things that you're not able to do with
584s the game right now without a lot of like
586s development time that uh might be better
588s spent on a new game and then uh need to
591s reset the market and the perception of
593s the game like the the general gaming
595s community has already formed his opinion
596s on split would you say that are those
598s equal factors is is one that way in the
600s other
602s um i i think it's there's more factors
605s than just that those are the two primary
606s ones i think it's also just which i
609s guess is more towards development side
611s uh there's also just the factor of like
613s we really want to focus on the long term
615s and not the short term so like you know
617s a perfect example one of the things we
618s announced today is the next games being
620s built in unreal engine 5 right that's a
623s that's a big undertaking i i think in
625s the long run that is really going to set
627s us up for long-term success right we
629s want to make a game that's around for
630s the next 10 plus years
633s we don't want to be on old technology
634s that started off as a school project
636s right
638s and so i think that's one consideration
639s where you know when we have these
641s constant beta seasons we don't ever have
643s the time to
645s kind of take our time and upgrade and
647s make a take a massive undertaking like
649s that because it's always focused on well
651s we got to get the next feature out the
653s door we got to get the next
654s season out the door right and so this
656s allows us to say hey let's take a step
658s back
659s let's build
661s for the future not for the
663s you know not for the past not for the
664s present right um so but i would say i
666s guess to kind of answer your question
668s it's it's really 50 50.
670s both of these were big considerations uh
673s and there's a couple other little things
675s that went into our decision but those
676s are the primary things
679s cool well thanks for answering the
680s questions i i work for arena net and you
682s know go wars 2 team and we uh we play a
684s lot of your game internally a lot of uh
685s land parties so
687s appreciate that yeah thank you
691s thank you
694s all right moving on the next one uh
695s clear water inviting you to speak got
697s your hand up and once again check out
705s okay so uh first thing i want to say is
707s my heartiest and most sincere
709s congratulations to you all for making
711s what has been possibly one of the most
714s fun
715s to play games that i have ever played
717s ever the amount of thank you our work
719s and quality that you've put into this
721s game is just absolutely astounding and i
724s i've just enjoyed every single minute
725s i've played with this game so heart is
727s the most sincere congratulations to you
729s all for putting off an absolutely
730s stunning job
732s so the main question i'd like to ask you
734s all is uh one of the major positive
736s aspects that the game and the community
739s has was the constant or at least near
741s constant transparency and communication
744s between the between various aspects of
746s the community the the communication
749s between the developers the community
751s managers such as endo
753s the the players themselves in the
754s discord and various other places on
756s social media um
759s one the main question i'd like to ask
760s here is
762s during this transitional period between
764s uh split gate essentially being
766s sunsetted in a way and the development
769s on the new game starting uh the main
771s question i'd like to ask is can we
773s expect
774s a high
775s level of communication and transparency
778s to continue even during this
779s transitional period uh when i ask this i
782s refer to things sort of like um
784s teasing for stuff while lbt dev vlog
786s updates and that sort of thing if that
789s makes sense
790s yeah no it's a great question and i'll
793s just say like you know the last couple
794s months have been particularly hard for
796s us because we want to be transparent and
798s we see
800s questions and posts and it's like man we
802s you know we want to say all the right
804s things but right now we just can't can't
806s be as transparent as we want to be um
809s you know i think with the next game um a
811s lot is still being figured out about
814s you know how are we going to roll it out
815s i mean even the details of the of the
817s actual game itself you know we have sort
819s of a rough idea of what it's going to
821s look like but there's still a lot of
823s things that are going to be tested and
824s thrown away there's going to be things
826s that we
827s think we think are good ideas that end
829s up being bad ideas that we change right
831s so
832s i i definitely think um you know we do
834s want to involve the community in some
835s capacity and i'll say you know sign up
838s for our email list like the best way
840s that you can learn anything about the
842s new game is to sign up on that list
844s that's where we're going to be sharing
846s stuff
847s we haven't figured out exactly when we
849s want to start sharing things um and how
852s much we want to share
854s but you know we'll certainly be doing a
856s beta at some point right we'll certainly
858s be
859s you know showing stuff off um at some
861s point but you know this game is still
864s it's a big big undertaking so it's
866s it's uh it's a ways away
869s okay yep that's uh that makes a lot of
871s sense thank you very much for answering
874s yeah sorry i don't have a more specific
875s answer to that but it's okay to
877s understand well i think there's at some
879s point there's some stuff that can't
880s really be talked about until development
882s on it has continued a bit and you feel
884s more confident and ready to show it off
886s yeah
888s let's add to that really quickly as a
890s person who largely influences that
892s decision as the marketing guy here
895s which is like they're they're kind of
896s like two approaches right that you can
898s take which is a very transparent like
901s even pre-alpha we're just like sharing
903s and talking about everything with the
904s understanding of like hey some stuff you
906s see in here isn't going to be real and
908s all that kind of stuff and then there's
909s obviously the more maybe traditional
911s like let's announce when things are very
914s solid and have a very short runway from
915s announce to like having a beta and a
918s launch and we are more leaning towards
920s that way we want to try to balance you
922s know who we are as a company as being
924s very community forward that
926s communication though may be a lot more
929s um
930s like through like you know private
932s channels so we're going to involve the
933s community in different ways but we might
935s not be saying anything very publicly
937s that's because ian said right things are
939s going to keep shifting and we don't i
940s think we don't want people to start
942s having an expectation that you know we
944s need to make a change for and people
946s feel disappointed because they've been
947s waiting for a certain type of feature or
949s whatever um but the other part is you
951s know one of our challenges in this
953s decision is you know
955s you know for the game to be successful
956s for us to feel good about it like we
957s need audience at scale right like we
960s think we have a good product but we've
962s not been able to recapture the magic of
965s when we first launched on console a year
967s ago and so we're very cognizant of like
970s we need to have another
971s moment and a lot of our decisions on how
974s we communicate when we communicate isn't
976s you know we don't want to do a
978s disservice to our community and who we
979s are as a company as being very community
981s forward but we also know that the thing
983s that is going to serve the community the
984s most is having a large group of people
987s to play with right and having that
989s moment and those things may kind of be
991s in conflict with each other but i think
994s we're going to air more towards we need
996s we want to be the next apex like i'll
999s just put it out there like that's what
1000s we want to be right we want to be a
1001s movement and i think our for early
1004s thinking is that means much more being
1007s close to the vest until we're really
1009s ready to show stuff um which which is
1012s unfortunate you know and isn't like i
1015s think we'll be more transparent we're
1017s not to be clear we're not taking the
1018s apex approach of just like silence and
1020s then all of a sudden here you go here's
1022s the game um but uh but yeah to to
1026s hillary's point i mean
1028s i'm we're not shy about the fact that
1030s like we're trying to be the next apex or
1032s i'd even i even go as far to say the
1033s next fortnight but
1035s we have very very high ambitions with
1037s this game what we did with a tiny team
1040s and a fraction of our budget
1043s with split gate i mean
1045s it was it was it doesn't happen
1047s you know
1049s with this next game we're taking
1050s everything to the next level we've got
1052s the team to do it we've got the budget
1054s to do it we've got the time to do it
1056s we've got the you know the formula to do
1058s it
1059s and there's changes we need to make but
1062s that is the goal here we want to be the
1063s next big thing
1066s all right we've got let's see here nine
1068s questions in the queue let's keep this
1070s moving along thank you thank you very
1071s much for your time and uh again
1073s congratulations to making an absolute
1074s belt we really appreciate that thanks
1076s man yeah thanks man okay
1079s moving on next one uh hubristics
1082s um invite you over here
1086s hubristics that's the name i recognize
1087s from the last discord stage we did a
1089s long time ago
1090s um
1093s let us know i didn't buy sentient invite
1095s tick tock tick tock
1099s okay
1100s no response gonna move on to the next
1101s one sorry
1103s when i get to as many questions as
1104s possible during this hour and this hour
1106s is going to fly by i guarantee it rheem
1109s come on up
1114s how's it going
1116s we can't hear you right now
1123s hello can you hear me now there we go
1126s all right perfect
1127s okay so just wanted to start this off by
1129s saying uh i've been following this game
1132s for years i played it first at a pax
1135s convention nice and it it's easily my
1139s favorite shooter out there um
1142s so yeah i saw this announcement i had a
1144s just one simple question and maybe it's
1147s not that simple but um
1149s so this being on unreal five
1152s how different will the gun play and like
1155s just the overall
1157s you know
1158s running sprinting physics how different
1160s do you think those are gonna feel is it
1162s gonna be a drastic change
1164s no no i i would not expect it to feel
1166s much different at all i mean there's
1168s gonna be there will be changes but in
1170s terms of overall feel i mean it's it's
1173s the the bread and butter split gate gun
1175s play that i mean that is
1177s that's what we do best right and that's
1180s what we're going to continue to do
1182s awesome
1184s that is great news
1188s cool thank you
1190s yeah thank you so
1191s much okay next question going to come
1193s from christian mag
1195s just invited you
1198s hi
1199s hey
1200s hey okay well first off
1202s i know i haven't played the game much
1204s but i just wanted to say thanks for
1205s making what could well be one of the
1207s best to reinsurers made since the 90s
1211s thank you
1213s and the question was in the announcement
1215s you said there was going to be more of a
1216s focus on revolutionary as opposed to
1218s evolutionary changes what would this
1223s will this mean from a gameplay
1224s perspective if you don't mind my asking
1226s if you've got a bet worked out yet
1230s yeah i mean
1231s i don't know hillary if you want to take
1232s this but
1234s i don't think we're ready to say much
1235s yet
1236s um i think the main thing i'll say is
1239s this is going to be more than just hey
1241s we took split gate and we gave it pretty
1243s graphics
1245s that's that's not the goal here
1247s we want to keep doing what we do well
1249s which is amazing gun play and an awesome
1252s portal mechanic
1253s but there are other changes we want to
1255s make to make this thing
1257s bigger and better and just generally
1260s more awesome
1261s but still stay true to our core
1266s makes sense
1268s and
1269s just
1272s one more
1273s question
1275s yep any
1277s so
1278s okay
1280s basically you're treating this as not
1282s did you're treating this like an actual
1284s new game rather than what some companies
1286s do which is effectively same game new
1288s cove paint please buy it
1291s well it's free so
1293s but uh true
1294s but yes
1295s does this mean that we can expect to see
1297s some of the things that are in split
1300s gate like the map creator in the next
1303s game as well or
1304s so yeah i'll just uh i'll i'll happen
1306s here so we're not really talking about
1308s the next game yet so all we can say is
1311s it's going to be a shooter it'll be in
1313s the split kit universe it's going to
1314s have portals built in unreal engine 5
1317s and it will be a free game so we're not
1319s going to make
1320s a premium game but for now that that's
1322s all we can really talk about so we're
1324s not going to talk about any of the
1325s features or functions of it right now
1326s and if i can type in real quick like
1328s today's announcement was about you know
1330s we are getting development of split gate
1332s the current game um and the reason for
1334s that is because we're focusing on the
1335s next game so technically i guess this is
1338s an announcement of a new game but like
1340s we haven't announced anything really um
1341s if you think about it like that's the
1343s bottom line
1344s this is an announcement of a shift in
1346s focus this is not an announcement of a
1347s new game yep
1350s thanks christian
1352s thank you for taking time to answer my
1354s questions
1356s yeah have a good one yeah thanks
1357s christian
1358s okay we're uh moving on to nade nade the
1361s developer of cross planets long time og
1364s player of split g8 how's it going hello
1366s can you hear me yeah
1368s yeah it's been it's been a while since
1370s i've spoke to a few of you
1373s um my question is more so uh about the
1376s company um has there ever been any kind
1379s of internal discussions besides um
1381s obviously making games i'm also leaning
1383s towards becoming a publisher or anything
1385s within that area obviously with the
1387s investment comes a lot of opportunities
1388s for you guys so i'm just wondering if
1390s you ever thought about um helping other
1392s startups in india's and stuff like that
1394s obviously given my role right now you
1396s can imagine why i'm asking a question
1397s like this
1399s you know i i mean i'll start by saying
1402s on an informal basis like hit me up
1404s anytime obviously like i know we've
1406s spoken before i'm absolutely happy to
1409s hop on a call again and share my
1411s thoughts and offer any advice i can
1413s i think in terms of like an actual
1415s formal publishing deal
1416s uh we're we're not doing anything um you
1420s know we we've got a lot on our plates
1422s and um we don't want to get distracted
1424s right one of the reasons we are telling
1426s you all like hey we're
1428s ending development effectively is
1430s because we want to be 110 all-in
1434s focused on one thing and you know maybe
1437s in the future once we get this one thing
1439s out the door and successful when it's
1441s up there with all the other big games
1443s and it's sustainable then we can start
1445s shifting focus towards stuff like that
1448s um
1449s but uh yeah for for now for the
1451s foreseeable future just 110 all in on on
1455s this next game
1457s yep i have one smaller the question i
1459s don't know if you'll be able to answer
1460s this one but is there any kind of
1463s development timeline you know usually i
1465s think games roughly go with a three or
1467s four year development timeline if you
1469s get any idea how long this might take
1470s you to
1471s make uh it's the only thing i think
1473s we're going to say is it's not going to
1475s be in 2023
1476s okay
1479s yep all right thank you thanks nate
1481s always good to hear from you yeah you as
1483s well
1485s all right moving on let me explain tv
1488s you're invited to speak
1493s one of our community creators as it
1495s looks like
1499s please come on up
1500s looks like he's checking his phone
1506s there we go how's it going man
1510s hey guys
1512s um
1513s i have
1514s a quite okay start here
1517s is it no more split gate at all or
1521s is a whole new game
1524s uh you mean
1527s okay well i'll answer this question in
1528s two ways uh
1530s first off uh we're not shutting down
1533s split gate you know you can still play
1535s it servers are still online uh and
1537s actually one of the big reasons that we
1539s really pushed to get the feature of uh
1541s map creator maps in playlists was for
1544s this very reason we want to be able to
1546s still maintain a community and give you
1549s guys content without requiring dev
1551s resources so we're going to really be
1553s leaning heavily towards um
1556s you know really leaning on the map
1557s creator community to
1559s make stuff that uh people others can
1561s enjoy
1562s um
1563s the second way i'll answer it um so this
1565s next game um
1568s it's still in the split gate universe
1570s it's still
1572s a shooting game it still has portals
1574s um so you know
1577s we are we're not going to go make some
1579s random totally new game that has nothing
1581s to do with split gate
1584s okay all right
1588s wow that was bad okay
1590s yeah thanks for your question thanks for
1592s the question hopefully that answered it
1595s yeah thank you guys
1597s all right moving on to the next one
1598s flame tm
1600s you are invited to speak
1604s um
1606s can you guys hear me yep yep okay
1609s well to be honest i
1613s i just i just wanted to say first that
1615s uh thank you guys so much for making
1617s this game uh
1619s because
1621s like a lot of people
1624s you know i to be honest i've never had
1627s this much fun in a well-balanced game
1630s since
1631s halo reach so
1633s yeah
1634s um
1635s what's your question
1636s i wanted to ask
1639s about um
1641s one thing i didn't understand in the
1643s frequently asked questions
1645s about
1646s uh
1648s i guess i guess you guys can say it
1650s maybe but just asking for to make sure
1653s about the things that we have in split
1655s gate
1657s are they gonna transfer or it's just
1660s completely new game and you guys are
1662s gonna
1664s make some kind of compensation for
1666s people that already play and spent money
1668s on split gates like yeah in game
1671s cosmetics or split coins
1676s do you want to answer that one hillary
1678s i'll take the tough one um yeah so uh we
1682s don't have anything to announce in terms
1683s of what you said which is any kind of
1685s reward or compensation based on your
1688s work on the current game that's
1689s something we're interested in but we
1691s also can't commit to that because it is
1693s a new product we do have to have a way
1695s to actually even be able to identify
1697s people's accounts connect that with a
1698s new one so we don't know if that's gonna
1700s technically be possible for us uh
1703s depending uh so so on that end we don't
1705s wanna commit to anything because we
1707s don't know that we could actually do it
1708s if we wanted to um but on the the idea
1712s of skins and everything transferring
1714s i know our expectation is that you won't
1716s be able to transfer anything and that is
1717s because you know we're not just updating
1720s split gate this isn't going to be split
1722s gate 1.5 what we make and so
1725s there is not going to be a way for those
1728s skins to
1729s easily just like appear
1731s throughout the game and i that this is
1733s me personally i find that most games
1736s where there is a collection element to
1737s it right so getting skins getting
1739s characters whatever it is like part of
1741s the fun is the chase of all those things
1744s and so i think it would be very hard to
1746s bring in like hundreds of skins from an
1748s old game that you already have like it
1750s sort of kills some of that chase element
1752s to it too so you know this is going to
1755s be a new product within yeah and i'll
1758s just add to that
1760s yeah well i'll add two things that one
1762s like we absolutely do want to do right
1764s by our existing player base so
1767s you know we're exploring the options but
1769s you know we are hoping to reward people
1772s in some way if we can
1773s um the people who have been around the
1775s longest and you know more so than just
1778s the random people who pick up the new
1779s game um
1781s so we're hoping we can do something
1782s there we just can't officially commit to
1784s anything yet um
1786s the other thing i'll add is you know a
1787s big part of
1788s this new game is finding our own
1791s identity um you know
1793s split started off as a school project
1795s that evolved and grew over time and
1798s transformed over time and you've seen
1800s some of the work we're capable of with
1802s the abyss remaster and the foregone
1804s remaster
1805s but you know these are
1807s those are the kind of things we mean
1808s when we say evolutionary change that's
1811s not a revolutionary change that's let's
1813s take an old map and let's make it look
1815s significantly better we can do that now
1818s with the people we've been hiring
1820s but we don't want to just be halo meets
1822s portal you know that was great when we
1824s were a tiny game with no marketing
1826s budget and no marketing team really but
1829s um
1830s you know we we want to have our own
1831s identity and so a lot of the visuals and
1834s just art style it's going to be
1836s different um
1837s you know and and it's going to be
1839s something that hasn't been seen before
1840s and so a lot of the old content kind of
1842s contradicts that
1845s yeah it makes sense
1848s all right thanks for the question flame
1850s thanks appreciate everything thank you
1852s um guys
1854s okay so just for everyone here i want to
1856s say we have more questions that we've
1858s already answered in the queue and we're
1860s halfway through this town hall so um
1863s let's when i invite you to the stage i
1866s ask you to please ask your question
1867s directly right away and uh for the
1870s people answering um yeah also treat it
1873s kind of speedily thank you i don't mean
1875s to be a harsh radio show host but i want
1877s to get as many questions as possible
1880s okay the grim reaper you are invited to
1884s come what's up
1885s oh yes sir i've been
1887s having a blast with the uh the builder
1888s mode the only questions i really had was
1891s i know you guys are using that to to
1892s help keep the game rolling is there any
1894s way to uh
1896s add in like a um you know the grouping
1898s mechanisms they have in the unreal
1899s engines where when you build like a
1901s structure you can kind of copy and paste
1903s it to uh expedite the maps and possibly
1907s uh make the portal a little more
1909s adjustable and collidable because i i do
1911s have a blast doing that i've been
1912s playing for a while in devon games for a
1914s while it's it's fun
1917s yeah i i don't so i don't think we're
1918s making any improvements to map creator
1921s for split gate at this point um we do
1923s have one update coming out on the 15th
1925s that has a number of bug fixes and it's
1927s got a free battle pass
1930s but no no major
1932s updates like that unfortunately uh but
1935s i'll just say for the next game um
1937s without revealing anything obviously
1939s like we are listening to the feedback or
1942s split gate you know all of the things we
1944s hear and see
1946s for you know with regards of how can we
1949s improve split gate like those are things
1951s that we think about when we make our
1953s next game
1954s awesome yeah the only other most the
1956s other questions i had were answered the
1958s only other one would uh you guys are
1959s definitely going to do like a
1961s pre-beta like a beta announcement like
1964s the other one we've been playing since
1965s portal wars so
1968s make sure we stay on board with that
1971s yeah like i said i mean sign up on our
1973s website uh so you're on the email list
1975s we will definitely be doing some form of
1977s beta um we don't have the exact details
1980s yet obviously we've got time to figure
1981s out the marketing rollout and everything
1984s um but yeah there's gonna be a beta at
1986s some point
1987s awesome awesome yeah like i said most
1989s questions were answered i just had a few
1991s more on the uh the the map designer
1993s because that's that's always a blast
1994s doing that stuff
1996s definitely look forward to the new game
1998s thanks chris awesome thank you
2000s sir
2001s okay i have to speed things along a
2002s little bit um we're gonna when we invite
2005s you to the stage uh we're gonna let you
2007s ask your question and then
2009s um
2010s please excuse yourself and then we can
2012s move this on really quick
2014s so all right moving on to atomic blaze
2018s come on up
2020s all right a couple questions um
2023s first of all in the new game do you
2024s intend to
2025s bring on the maps in the current split
2028s gate
2029s and the weapons in the current split
2031s gate
2034s i would say most most things in the new
2036s game will be new
2038s okay so
2040s so mostly new stuff not like not really
2042s focusing on like the legacy stuff
2046s most likely that is correct um obviously
2048s you know
2049s that may change and you know there are
2051s fan favorite things that you could see
2053s returning at some point um but um yeah
2056s we're focused on building new building
2058s for the future
2059s and one more question uh you mentioned
2061s that there's like a split gate universe
2063s does that mean that there's like lore
2065s behind split gate
2067s like why are these yeah
2070s we're working on it
2072s okay
2073s yes we've actually got a
2075s hired a writer a creative writer a few
2077s months ago and he's been
2079s right he's been working on the universe
2081s so definitely something we want to we
2083s want to work on pro tips get on our
2085s email list
2086s oh okay i will get on that
2090s all right thank you
2092s thank you okay
2093s ranthium babe you're invited
2098s welcome hey guys um
2100s i don't know if you guys know me but you
2102s probably know me from constantly being
2104s the person on twitter who's like give me
2105s more female skins i want more female
2108s skins so i was super excited to see you
2110s guys say something about uh some of your
2113s best female characters yet um and also
2118s that kind of leads into my question
2120s uh about what you said about apex
2123s obviously you know they're very big on
2125s representation and lore and like all
2128s kinds of character designs so i guess my
2131s question is
2133s a
2134s what are you doing differently or
2136s planning to do differently when it comes
2138s to character design and lore that we
2140s haven't seen in split gate so far
2143s and
2144s what kind of
2145s i guess pitfalls are you trying to avoid
2148s that you've seen maybe other games make
2150s versus you know what kind of things have
2153s you seen done right in games like apex
2155s or fortnite that you're directly like
2157s okay this is this is what we're going
2159s for
2161s yeah it's a great question i wish i
2162s could answer it more specifically um
2165s what i'll say
2168s it's definitely something we're mindful
2169s of
2170s i guess the two things i'll say number
2171s one i think you're going to be very
2173s happy with the the free battle pass
2175s coming out in a couple weeks i bet um
2178s and uh i guess number two um
2182s i mean yeah really all i can say is like
2183s we're definitely thinking about these
2185s things um we do want to have more female
2187s characters especially in in the next
2190s game um
2191s and uh
2194s yeah i mean and we want to have lore
2196s so not a great question um but you know
2198s hopefully that at least gives you an
2200s idea of where our great question is
2202s yeah no that's great thank you guys so
2204s much and good luck peace out
2206s thank you thank you
2210s okay
2211s tyro
2213s yeah you're invited
2215s surprise pikachu face mj can appreciate
2217s that
2218s yeah i noticed that uh all right well
2220s thanks for having me on love your game
2222s i've been a daily player for a long time
2223s and just wanted to speak from the uh
2226s kind of collector
2227s like hardcore collector perspective as
2229s someone who's like
2231s collected every single common item in
2233s the game uh
2235s i'm
2236s a little
2237s uh curious if you guys have any radical
2240s changes you're going to make to the
2242s daily drops of monetization
2244s uh or if you're going to
2249s change it so that when you get drops
2251s they're not unique anymore i think that
2254s was a really huge uh aspect of the game
2257s for me was that you could theoretically
2259s collect everything from playing daily
2262s uh
2263s and finally uh sorry it's like a four
2265s part question
2266s but uh i was wondering if you were going
2268s to try and create more customizability
2271s of your player characters without having
2274s to collect a bunch of common base colors
2277s because that
2278s vlog
2279s would be nice to skip this time around
2283s yeah uh so a lot is up in the air um i
2286s guess two two things that i will say
2289s today so one thing is the next game when
2291s it comes to just cosmetics in general
2293s we're focused more on quality than
2294s quantity this time around
2297s um
2298s and uh we're definitely looking at what
2300s other games are doing um
2302s yeah i wouldn't say monetization is like
2304s a top priority for us to figure out um
2307s you know we're just gonna basically
2308s look at you know we're looking at what
2310s does valerant do what does apex do what
2312s does
2313s fortnite do um you know just kind of
2315s looking to these other games for
2316s inspiration and looking at what's worked
2319s well and what people like um
2322s like i said i don't have an exact answer
2323s even if i wanted to give you one because
2325s this stuff is still being figured out
2326s but um
2327s the main goal we've set for ourselves is
2330s focus on quality versus quantity when it
2332s comes to cosmetics
2334s for sure all right well thank you a lot
2336s um
2338s just as a note uh
2340s i guess like it would be if once you
2343s guys do decide what you're going to do
2346s to reward players like us who've
2347s collected so many items i think uh
2351s just putting it out there that it would
2353s be a little disappointing to like only
2355s get like two or three like legacy items
2358s and then call it quits uh
2361s if you could preserve some of like the
2364s seasonal reward challenges or something
2366s that would be amazing too but uh yeah
2368s thanks for your time and i love your
2369s game you guys are great thank you i
2370s really appreciate the feedback
2373s um we're gonna have a feedback channel
2374s here in this discord by the way for the
2376s future game obviously we can't say
2378s anything
2379s much about the next game but you can use
2381s the current split game as a springboard
2382s for your feedback of a future game um
2385s just letting that out there
2386s okay we got a special guest coming up
2389s next uh zach's maxed himself you're
2391s invited what's up man what's up so i had
2394s a few really quick questions so first of
2396s all
2397s will all unreally skins for split gate
2400s get released obviously dev time is no
2403s longer being supported so why not just
2405s throw the stuff we have already out
2407s there
2409s i'm not sure i mean i think we uh
2413s there are some skins that we're not
2415s proud of that probably will never get
2416s released because we just don't think
2418s they're
2419s good enough quality um
2421s there's definitely some other skins
2422s coming that will get released um you
2425s know like we said in in the free battle
2427s pass there's a lot of really good stuff
2428s like it's genuinely our best battle pass
2431s yet but
2432s uh but the goal here is not to make
2434s money right now um the goal is to focus
2436s on the community so in the next game
2439s and one last thing what what is the
2440s biggest thing you guys have learned from
2442s operating a arena shooter in 2022
2447s that's a good question
2450s um
2451s huh
2452s how do i answer that without revealing
2455s anything
2457s it's definitely going against the green
2459s right like that's not the trendy thing
2460s right now
2462s um
2463s so
2464s yeah we have to be more creative that's
2466s what i've learned as a community manager
2467s got to be more creative as a marketer
2469s um i think the main thing i'll say is
2472s just like
2473s planning ahead is very important um you
2475s know i think
2477s especially with with an arena shooter
2479s but really for any live service game
2481s um
2483s you know it's
2485s well i guess what i'll say is like a big
2487s goal of ours when we do launch the new
2489s game is to be ahead of schedule right
2491s when we launch it we want to essentially
2492s have the next season already done
2495s and the reason for this is you know
2498s with split gate
2499s it's just constantly been playing catch
2501s up and try to
2503s launch the next thing
2504s and barely pull it off right so you know
2506s our last season was four months which
2508s was a huge improvement over season zero
2510s which was six months
2512s um
2513s but it was always coming down to the
2516s wire not being able to plan ahead and
2518s that's really difficult for a live
2520s service product
2522s for a number of reasons one you just
2524s don't end up
2526s having a good plan because you're just
2528s kind of constantly playing catch up it's
2530s bad for development because you end up
2532s having a crunch at the end which we
2533s never want to do
2535s it's bad for marketing because
2538s they can't plan around stuff that's
2539s already done they can't film trailers
2541s ahead of time and so i think the big
2543s thing is like for us the main thing
2545s we've learned is we got to be ahead of
2546s schedule
2547s not on time not behind schedule we need
2550s to be ahead of schedule so that
2553s we know okay this is what the next
2555s season's going to look like and of
2557s course it'll change a little bit as we
2558s go and get feedback but we need to
2560s launch this thing and know okay this is
2562s the next season this is the story we're
2565s going to tell these are the changes that
2567s are going to make this is how it's going
2568s to be interesting and we got to be on a
2571s three-month schedule right you know we
2573s made a lot of progress going from six to
2575s four months but that was a that was a
2577s very cutting it close um barely pulling
2580s it off um when we launched this thing
2582s and as the team grows it should be not a
2584s problem at all but we got to be doing
2586s three month seasons with lots of new
2589s content which we're not able to do yet
2592s partly because of the the team partly
2594s because we've got a lot of conflicting
2595s goals right now partly because we're on
2598s old technology um there's just a lot of
2600s reasons that this will allow us to get
2603s ahead of schedule and have a a game and
2605s a you know a live service product that
2607s is just
2608s much easier to iterate on and make
2610s meaningful content updates
2613s awesome thank you thanks zach thanks
2616s zack
2617s okay last 15 minutes of this town hall
2619s we're gonna do lightning round so this
2620s means if when you get called up to the
2622s stage please ask your one or two
2624s questions up front i'm going to dismiss
2626s you after that we'll answer the question
2629s um just yeah just really want to get
2630s through as many as we can
2632s we value everyone's thoughts and and uh
2635s questions so clearwater you're invited
2638s hey thanks for having me back um so real
2640s quick realistically speaking in 5 10 or
2643s 20 years at some point resources will
2645s have to be reallocated and the service
2647s for the main game will need to be pulled
2649s at some point my question is will there
2651s be any efforts to future-proof the game
2653s for example releasing the master server
2656s the game server binary open to the
2658s public if that's not possible would you
2661s be okay with like the efforts of models
2663s reverse engineering the binaries and
2665s making survey emulators so people can
2667s continue to log in and play the game
2668s online
2672s for split gate the game that's currently
2673s out
2674s for split gate for the current game
2677s um
2678s well so i think the efforts that we made
2682s so far to make this game future proof
2684s were you know and this was a big a big
2686s focus of ours was let's get this map
2689s creator into a state where we can put
2690s map creator maps into playlists right
2693s the best way we can keep this thing
2695s relevant is a through community efforts
2698s through you know doing community events
2700s and interacting with you guys and b
2702s through having custom maps where there's
2704s always new content
2706s um
2707s in terms of you know you guys having the
2710s ability to mod things i don't think
2711s we're going to take the time
2713s um to actually open it up that would be
2716s a pretty big undertaking um
2719s but in terms of i mean if somebody
2721s reverse engineers stuff i i don't know i
2724s mean i'm not gonna go on
2726s i i mean it'd be a case-by-case basis
2728s we'd have to see what people come up
2729s with um
2731s i don't think i'd have a problem with
2733s someone trying to find a way to make
2735s this thing stay alive but um
2738s yeah i don't have a great answer i guess
2740s but um i i don't think we have the time
2742s to do anything meaningful like that but
2744s we certainly you know this is the very
2746s reason we wanted to open it up to map
2747s creators and map creator maps and
2749s playlists
2752s okay dilute
2754s uh
2754s would would the plan be for this new
2757s game to release dlc or continual updates
2762s uh i've continual updates i mean we'll
2764s probably do some dlc skin packs like
2767s we've done with with split gate right
2768s but
2769s um
2770s i mean this is going to be a live
2772s service product
2774s you know if you look at what fortnite or
2775s valerian or apex or call of duty do
2778s i don't see us doing anything crazy
2780s different in terms of
2783s you know monetization or
2787s content daisy lee you're invited
2791s hey thanks
2792s um your current game with split gate is
2795s a first-class citizen for linux gaming
2797s and on steam deck will the new game be
2799s linux native or will it be
2802s uh supported through proton and will the
2804s new game have any single player aspect
2806s or is it solely going to be multiplayer
2808s again
2810s um
2811s i don't think we're ready to answer
2813s anything i mean hillary do you want to
2815s take this whatever you're comfortable
2817s sharing yeah well we're not ready to
2819s answer any of those questions but i
2820s appreciate you asking
2823s yeah sorry about that
2826s wolf rob wolf tech rob my bad you're
2829s welcome to join
2830s uh hello um
2833s uh okay so uh first question is any
2836s chance you'd convert ongoing split gate
2838s dev to an unpaid enter internship
2840s program for academy of art university uh
2844s so that way they can get experience they
2846s have a game dev department
2847s um and then that way the product doesn't
2850s necessarily just you know um
2854s you know go unsupported and then the
2855s other question was uh
2857s will there be if you can answer this uh
2859s tactical game plays such as like stealth
2861s or bow gameplay
2863s uh for the next uh project
2867s um
2867s so first question um a super interesting
2870s idea uh i i'm open to hearing anyone out
2874s um so you know i think you can reach out
2876s to our email list um
2878s i i don't think we want to take a big
2881s project on like that but um you know i'm
2883s i'm certainly open to discussing
2885s creative ideas like that
2886s um but obviously that's the first i've
2888s ever heard of something like that so
2890s i kind of need time to think about it
2892s and hear the details
2894s in terms of the second question um
2898s like will there be tactical gameplay or
2900s bows i think was the question um like i
2902s said we're not ready to reveal any
2904s anything about the gameplay at this
2906s point
2911s i wish we could say more but
2915s hi so
2917s about the esports scene do you guys plan
2920s to continue
2922s will that continue first will esports
2924s continue and then do you guys plan on
2927s continuing to evaluate
2930s uh and innovate on the format and
2934s as far as like to make it best for the
2936s spectators and the players and the teams
2939s um
2940s to like or are we just gonna keep the
2943s same format for
2945s foreseeable future and also will this
2947s new game have a competitive scene if you
2949s guys uh know yeah
2952s um so the current plan for esports uh
2956s basically esports is continuing through
2958s the remainder of 2022 as planned um so
2962s you know nothing really to change there
2964s i think there's a couple couple schedule
2966s changes we're having like a big
2967s championship tournament at the end of
2969s the year but it's we're not shrinking or
2972s getting rid of any esports stuff for the
2973s remainder of the year
2975s next year is still tbd um we just
2978s actually had a call with the pros
2979s earlier today um we're still figuring
2982s out the details we are exploring a few
2984s options we would like to do esports in
2986s some capacity probably not to the same
2989s degree that we currently are
2991s but esports is definitely a big part of
2994s what makes split gate special and
2997s i don't see that changing for the next
2998s game
3000s okay thank you
3002s thanks warp
3004s sir pumps a lot you are invited next
3007s hello hey thanks for a great game um
3010s thank you with i got one question
3012s with current project uh anticipated for
3016s after 2023
3018s and as you stated one of the main
3020s factors of you know transitioning to the
3022s next project is keeping the community
3024s together
3025s for me one of the main hurdles that
3027s split kate faced for me and my friends
3029s as we moved to the game uh was the
3031s friend system and the inviting system
3033s and basically just getting together with
3035s the community i know you guys don't want
3037s to develop anymore or not don't want to
3039s develop anymore um are not looking to
3042s develop anymore into this game but could
3044s you do something about it in this uh
3046s 16th of september uh battle pass if you
3049s could just like
3050s i don't know make it so i could i could
3052s see an invite from somebody while i'm in
3053s the game
3054s i'm sure that could like really help us
3056s out and keep the community together and
3058s strong thank you
3060s i appreciate the question um
3062s yeah unfortunately i don't think we are
3065s going to make any changes to how friends
3068s uh the functionality of friends for for
3069s split gate it definitely i hear you it's
3072s not something that we're happy with and
3074s for the next game it's something that i
3076s have emphasized to the ui ux team many
3080s many times that this needs to be the
3082s easiest thing ever to invite friends it
3084s needs to be
3085s simple easy anyone can do it we need
3088s people to be able to play with their
3089s their friends easily
3091s but unfortunately for for split gate
3093s probably not going to make any changes
3095s for that um we do have that update on
3097s the 15th which has the free battle pass
3099s and it's got some bug fixes
3101s but um nothing friends you know no
3104s changes to how friends work
3107s okay thank you
3110s okay dead x
3111s or x dead x
3113s sorry i don't mean to butcher your name
3114s you're welcome onto the stage
3116s yeah feel free to give us your question
3119s all right um
3121s i'm not going to get my hopes up because
3122s i doubt you're going to be able to
3123s answer these questions but um
3126s is the weapon system gonna like are the
3128s weapons gonna be the same or is it gonna
3130s be are the weapons gonna be more like in
3132s halo like
3133s you can have multiple snipers or
3135s multiple different smgs
3139s um
3142s yeah yeah yeah so i i don't think we're
3144s ready to reveal much about the next game
3146s um but you know we're definitely
3149s um
3149s i mean there's a lot of things there's a
3151s lot of guns we really like from split
3153s gate and there's also guns we like from
3155s other games and there's also
3157s guns that we've thought of that
3160s are totally different that are just our
3162s own ideas i definitely will say we want
3165s we want the next game to have more gun
3167s variety
3168s i think we can push it further
3171s we also want the game the next game to
3173s be less of just a halo meets portal
3175s right so it's not just going to be hey
3177s here's a bunch of halo guns
3179s that's something we're really trying to
3180s move away from so
3181s i think you will be very pleasantly
3183s surprised with the guns in in the next
3186s game
3188s uh and boulder b campaign
3190s oh
3191s i heard the question though he said will
3193s there be a campaign um one question
3195s sorry guys yes well i was just gonna say
3197s um i don't think we're answering
3199s anything about that unless hillary wants
3201s to but
3202s yeah we're not really talking i know
3204s it's frustrating but we're not really
3205s ready to talk too much about the next
3206s game
3207s i'll say this uh without giving a lot of
3210s detail our expectation is that when we
3212s do finally show you the next game you're
3214s not it's not just going to be oh well
3216s you made something prettier it's that
3218s you'll understand that we couldn't just
3220s add on to what we're currently making we
3222s had to make a new game to fit what we're
3224s designing
3226s yeah
3228s d franklin
3230s what's up
3231s uh so my question is uh is uh september
3235s 15th a hard cut off for uh season two
3238s and have you all considered using the
3241s referral codes as a future transfer of
3244s uh you know thanking people for playing
3246s this one in the new game
3249s um so that will be the cut off for the
3252s the battle pass so a new battle pass
3254s will go live on the 15th um so you got
3256s to make sure you guys finish
3258s the existing one before then
3260s um
3261s the referral code so
3263s the new uh
3264s i mean this is probably too technical
3266s but the new game is going to be um
3270s i mean there are some technical
3272s complications here um that it would not
3275s be super straightforward to just take
3278s that and just
3279s yeah it's it's not an easy task it's
3280s something we're looking into on what we
3282s can transfer over if anything
3286s okay
3288s thanks franklin
3289s thank you koala symphony you're up next
3292s we're almost done here guys
3295s you're not talking about uh gameplay but
3298s i do i i'm just deathly curious um
3300s hopefully you can
3301s answer to the best of your ability will
3303s the new game be
3305s an arena shooter just straight up and if
3307s so
3308s um
3309s how much of the core gameplay loop that
3311s you've so like
3313s expertly honed in on split gate can be
3316s carried over
3317s into the new game despite it being a new
3319s engine and all that yeah
3322s so again like i mean i i can appreciate
3325s the question uh i don't think we're
3326s gonna answer any gameplay related things
3329s right now um but you know
3332s it's it's still a fps with portals right
3336s it's still there's a lot of things that
3338s we really like about split gate that we
3340s want to keep doing
3341s um
3344s and i i will i guess
3347s you don't have to worry about the gun
3348s play like i mean this is it's still
3351s gonna be a split gate game you know
3353s you're gonna you're gonna be happy
3355s but i can't say much more than that yeah
3358s thank you thank you
3359s thanks symphony all right final uh
3362s question from hidden boxes and then
3364s we'll do concluding thoughts
3368s hi i love the game um
3370s question with the um
3373s movie of the week will that would that
3375s be continuing going forward like will
3377s still have a chance to earn that title
3381s hillary
3383s yeah that's a that's a perfectly great
3385s question uh so we right now um have
3388s always planned to do the movie of the
3389s week for at least uh i think four
3393s uh weeks of that so we'll do the rewards
3395s a few more times um carrying it beyond
3398s that we're not sure i think it'll be
3400s just sort of it might be a little bit on
3402s the interest level right so for getting
3403s different people uh submitting stuff we
3405s obviously know we have a unique reward
3408s on there and a title too to go with it
3410s so we want to make sure that people have
3411s the opportunity to
3413s to earn that in the future so so we'll
3415s continue for the time being um but even
3419s independent of this decision we wanted
3421s to see what the response was before we
3422s decided if we would carry that out long
3424s term so um you know if you have
3426s something to submit definitely do that
3429s because we're still looking at stuff and
3431s we'll keep giving out awards for the
3432s next few weeks and then uh totally isn't
3435s even tied actually to this choice to end
3437s the development on split gate um is just
3440s to see if this program is something
3441s people are are hyped about and
3443s submitting stuff to as long as we're
3445s getting like more content to actually
3448s make judgments on then i think we're we
3450s probably would extend it but it would be
3452s tbd on that
3454s thank you so much
3456s thanks hidden
3457s okay a quick message from one of our
3459s mvps jimin mode says he was here at the
3462s start of this game he'll be here at the
3463s start of the next game i think that
3464s sentiment has been shared far and wide
3466s from all our uh loyalty
3469s yeah our loyal fans and community
3470s members we can't wait to see this go to
3472s the next level um quick housekeeping and
3475s i'll just add to that i mean you know
3476s we're getting a lot of questions that we
3478s can't answer but
3480s all i will say is this is going to be a
3482s game for you guys this is a game that
3484s you will love truly that is the goal
3486s we're not trying to go make some crazy
3488s totally different thing
3490s that is just an absolute departure this
3492s is a game we love split gate and we want
3495s to make a game that
3497s we also you know we want to make a new
3499s gun that we game that we love even more
3501s right
3503s all right and uh on that note of we
3504s can't answer everyone's questions we do
3506s have a reddit ama if you go to
3509s reddit.com
3510s r slash
3511s split gate um top pinned
3514s post there you can ask any question
3516s there on reddit um ian will be there for
3518s the next hour answering your questions
3520s um also also very very important
3523s yeah make sure
3524s you have read our letter that's all over
3527s social media right now and on our
3528s website
3530s and also our faq splitgate.com faq those
3533s are really good resources that answer
3535s most everyone's questions that were
3537s asked today
3538s if you have any more questions head over
3539s to the ama or just tag us on twitter
3542s we'll do our best to answer as many as
3544s as possible
3546s and i think that wraps it up
3548s thanks everyone for for being here and
3550s uh
3552s warmly and also big props to all of you
3554s for not trolling us like i know that
3557s maybe we were a little bit too
3559s overzealous of like
3561s yeah um
3562s people not
3564s being on ball with their their questions
3566s but yeah thank you for being respectful
3568s and um giving us your questions directly
3570s so
3571s we will
3572s we will be staying in touch thanks
3574s everyone
3576s awesome thanks everybody i really
3578s appreciate all the questions and support
3581s thanks all
3583s thank you guys