2 months
ago -
Splitgate 2
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | splitgate 2 lore runs deep you might |
3s | know that the three factions come from |
5s | different planets but did you know that |
7s | each faction has dozens of inworld |
9s | brands that are advertised in the game |
11s | ohigh is a coffee company their beans |
13s | originate on Mars but the Aeros Aces |
15s | consume the most of that hot Java they |
17s | have ads on a few maps and you can even |
19s | find an ohigh Cafe and bypass Park |
21s | there's serious Brands too like Spectra |
23s | manufacturer of armor and gear for |
25s | Meridian you'll see their name and logo |
27s | on weapons find their ads on the Venus |
29s | based maps and can even read additional |
31s | history about them in the Zenith Hall of |
33s | Fame if you're more into sasque you |
34s | probably know they terraformed Mars to |
37s | do that they used gened you can find |
39s | bags of gened soil on Frontier and some |
41s | other Maps we've yet to share now you |
44s | understand what we mean when we say |