over 4 years
ago -
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The wait is over – Trine 4: Melody of Mystery, a story-driven DLC campaign for Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince, is available now on PC! Return to Astral Academy for an all new adventure with powerful skills, clever puzzles, and a mysterious slumber!
Dive into the enchanting dreamscapes for $7.99 / 7.99 € / £5.99. Available now on Steam,GOG and Humble Store!
Key Features
- 6 all-new and exciting levels set in strange and unpredictable dream worlds
- New music tracks to accompany the levels and story
- Full voice acting and localizations
- New upgrades for the heroes’ skills: Freezing Blink, Explosive Objects, Ricochet Arrows, Hazard Trail, Leaping Lightning, and Charged Dream Shield
- New gameplay elements with ice, torches, magnets and crystals

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince and the DLC are both developed by us here at Frozenbyte and published by Modus Games. To learn more about Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince, visit www.trine4.com.