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Week 21 (May 24th – 28th)
Hello everyone. Here are the progress notes of week 21 of 2021!
Please note that the “Progress Notes” are different from the Starbase Alpha “Patch Notes”. Progress Notes are snippets from the development team and what has been worked on during the previous week, and many of the features might not be present in the current or upcoming builds of the Closed Alpha. Some features, especially in the design portion, can be subject to change as the development continues.
- Design for the starter station selection interface has been completed
- Design for Capital Ship cargo halls has been completed
- Design on new configurations for ore distribution has been started
- Laborer modifications have been tested in Easy Build Mode
- Tier 1 and 3 thrusters and generators have been worked on
Stations and Cities
- Insurance terminals have been removed from the Fast Travel gates and the Moon city
- Changes in Quasar Systems’ ship shop:
- Morningstar added
- Moved from Rando 2: Wolverine ac, Wolverine las, Wolverine plas
- Added the following ships to Duratech ship shop: Hanarr MK2, Hepitifili MK2, Heretha MK2
- Changes in Rando 1 ship shop:
- Added Andromeda
- Removed Scrublass
- Orientation of Manatee and Moonfish -ships fixed in OKI ship shops
- Tutorial Spaceship Laborer (Module variant) has been updated: it’s now slightly bigger and has more ore crates by default. It’s now also equipped with a transponder and a radiator
- Support for choosing the starting station has started
- Fix for station multiplayer changes causing Station Foundation Units to replace built foundation modules with empty ones has been worked on
- Work on Easy Build Mode for stations continues: holograms and crafted modules can be placed down
- Some improvements on jointed object stability regarding ship ownership and cargo have been made
- Fast Travel Cores required for fast travel have been worked on
- Chat warnings are now displayed when a ship exceeds the Building Budget
- Parts of tripod code have been refactored to allow for better handling of some syncing issues
User Interface
- Work on Company Bank statement continues
- Company Ships UI has been worked on, further improvements and fixes have been made to the Access page
- Company Ships are now sorted by name in the navigation tree, like in personal Ships UI
- Receiving mail from ignored players has been prevented
- Revised sound effect support for pickaxe has been worked on
- Fix for some audio signal devices sounds left playing after the device disappears has been made
In-game Designers
- Some station device configurations have been made to fix an issue with device detection
- Station utility network detection has been implemented to the station utility grid screen
Animations and Emotes
- New animations when carrying objects while unarmed have been worked on
- New reload animation for shotgun has been worked on
Stations and Cities
- Moon city layout has been updated
- Fast Travel Core assets have been worked on
- Box thruster and triangle thruster quality tier colors have been added
- Work on Capital Ship interiors continues
- New effects for Grab, Pipe, Cable, Bolt and Building Tools have been added
- Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle and Whiplash muzzle VFX has been adjusted to work better in ADS
- Small fix to glow levels of Buzzsaw VFX has been made
- New SSC icons added
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See you next week!