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Week 14 (March 30th – April 3rd)
Hello everyone! It’s time for another week of Starbase progress notes!
- Shoulder piece art for insignia configured.
- Assembly Job added to Work Hub and is now accessible in game again, after build error fixes.
- New fracture destruction effect tested, needs polishing and new fracture models.
- Early game player progression looked into, earning credits with new mining system tested.
- Ship and ship pricing economy tweaked, making cheap mining ships for new mining system tested.
- Chat UI worked on, color scheme improved with new color palettes and brighter colors.
- Chat UI visibility improved on, option to hide or show channel names added.
- Faction stations’ Ship Design Workshops’ instance areas had faulty LoadMode settings, which have now been fixed.
- The following grid slots have been updated for the upcoming Prospectors shop: Mining hall (Small), Mining hall (Large) and Trading hub hardware (small).
Spaceship Designer
- Mockups and designs worked on for the Version Control and Blueprints in Asset Browser.
- Descriptions for tools added.
- Vasama Vanette with modular ore cargo crates and resource port finished.
- New devices under Cargo folder, locale changed: Resource Port is now Resource Bridge.
- Asset locale updates and fixes: locales added for all type of hinge rods, dimension info added for text panel and ItemNames in ItemComponents fixed.
- Projectile spawn position issues when shooting while aboard a ship have been fixed.
- Other players’ tool animations are now synced properly.
- Thrust is now reduced when the ship structure blocks thruster exhaust.
- A bug where SawTool would trigger audio events multiple times has been fixed.
- Blueprints now disappear after using Welding Tool.
- Blueprints now disappear when a station lot is resigned.
- Welding Tool’s ammo consumption and reload have been updated.
- Preventing players and their items entering station lots they do not own is in the making.
User Interface
- Support added for dropping & picking up items bought from shops.
- Bolt Tool raycast hitting items on player’s back has been fixed.
- Drag and drop code has been refactored.
- Issues with moving between mining backpack slots and station storage have been fixed.
- Merge problem with vacuumed ores has been fixed, player can’t collect more ores than allowed anymore.
- Chat menu sounds have been finished.
- Spaceship Designer sounds are in the making.
- Support for common button sounds in various Spaceship Designer UI elements has been implemented.
Spaceship Designer
- Basic ambient light settings have been added to Spaceship Designer.
- An issue where entering the Spaceship Designer while still loading a station resulted in significantly lowered FPS has been fixed.
- Issues where objects were leaking in and out of edit and test modes in Spaceship Designer have been fixed.
- An issue where the multi user undo system would break when returning from the test mode in multiplayer has been fixed.
- Spaceship Designer-bought ships spawning in wrong orientation has been fixed.
- New ad animations are in the making.
- Saw Tool’s 1st person reload animation is in the making.
- Rifle stand aiming animation has been polished.
- Sitting pickaxe mining animation state has been tweaked.
- All heavy crouch animations with wrong positioning have been fixed.
- Prone animations have been polished.
- Rocket Launcher relaxed crouch transition has been finished, pistol relaxed crouch transition is in the making.
- New asteroid clusters have been made.
- The drone rank plates have been updated to be visually more fitting with the armor pieces.
- Height terrain and cliff rock tests have been made.
- Skyscraper base module prototype build is in the making.
- Baseplate armoset’s texture polish has bene finished.
- Flat logos have been made for Reaper Cannon and Sentinel Rifle, older weapon logos have been updated.
Gallery of the week
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See you next week!🪐