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Week 10 (March 2nd – 6th)
Hi everyone! Here are the progress notes of Week 10:
- Three new special ore distribution zones configured: there are now five special zones where ores are distributed with different weights compared to the rest of the universe.
- Marketplace terminals fixed.
- Economy configurations fixed for torpedoes.
- Design for a Spaceship Designer Coloring Tool worked on.
- Spaceship Designer multiplayer issue: removing cable with Cable Tool breaks if client and host is removing cable simultaneously fixed and verified.
- Kingdom Headquarter station and Kingdom Outpost Ruins added to the universe.
- Ship and shop terminal issues fixed for Kingdom stations.
- Vertical hallways’ offsetting priority snap points have been fixed.
- Three hall modules’ base structures have been modified to disable any possible collisions with each other (Large hall 2; Ship weapon shop 2 A; Armor shop 1 A).
- Temporary “very-farlods” have been removed from grid slot scenes, and will be replaced if and when needed.
- Issue where Ithaca V4 used up its coolant too quickly was fixed by adding more coolant cells.
- Instancing area visualization disappearing when changing groups has been fixed.
- Ore nuggets are now immune to the mining laser.
- Blueprint code refactoring is underway.
- Entering the game with broken profile (invalid or missing character data) is now prevented.
- Explosion shock waves were fixed to not affect players inside safe zones.
- Player stuck recovery system has been enabled to be active at all times.
- Nearby ship acceleration/deceleration sounds have been added.
- Cargo Frame wall/field was refactored into being supported by the current physics processing.
- SawTool can now target and cut properly.
User Interface
- A bug where material disappeared when dragged to existing stack in inventory has been fixed.
- Netsyncing added for beam effect so that other people can see the effect.
- Company Rank names not changing correctly when player changes them has been fixed.
- Item pick-up and drop audio support has been implemented-
- Multi-position ambient system fixes have been finished-
Spaceship Designer
- Mining job now correctly gives money from asteroids with cables/bolted things on them, syncing fixed.
- Cell translation not working when jumping more than 1 cell has been fixed.
- Range Finders being active in Spaceship Designer has been fixed.
- Incorrect moon terrain object visibility fading fixed.
- Decal tweaks, collision and parent checks, VIS HQ grid slot finalization.
- Farlods, module halls, and mega station gridslot updated.
- Work hub: Signs and adverts made for different work hub jobs.
- Asteroid hall decorations and polishes underway.
- Sub modules and their LODs coloured.
- Skyscraper base modules in the making.
- Commercial boards in the making.
- New windows have been added.
- Farlods added for all shop modules.
Moons and Asteroids
- Alpha moons have been updated.
- Asteroid cluster tests have been made.
- Spherical height maps tests underway.
- New sign animations made, robot logo and animation adjustments in the making.
- Sit animations for Rocket Launcher and Reaper Cannon have been made.
- 1st person animations for Saw Tool are in the making.
- Jumping and shooting animations have been polished.
- The new LOD distances added for large asteroid rocks and formations.
- Turret Utility Body: Asset redesign that fixes collision has been finished.
- Turret Arm Saw Tool: Concept, assets and textures have been finished.
- Turret Arm Saw Tool: Larger versions of the blade and tool have been made to test how large assets the robot arms can support.
- Tools: Saw textures polished, paintjobs added.
- Devices: Resource bridge hose nozzle textures updated.
- A spark effect for the mining saw has been finalized.
- LODs made for multiple assets, railgun barrel LODs have been optimized.
Gallery of the week
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See you next week!🪐